
  1. 艾伦·帕克的电影《追梦者》获得了6项提名。

    Alan Parker 's film ' The Commitments ' has six nominations .

  2. 《追梦者》这部影片讲述了都柏林一个摇滚乐队的激荡人心的故事。

    ' The Commitments ' is the gutsy story of a Dublin rock band .

  3. 颜宁就是这样一个追梦人。

    Yan Ning is such a dream follower .

  4. 据金州前锋追梦-格林说,NBA运动员很少会在比赛日抽出时间去演讲,或者更直白地说,去做准备比赛之外的任何事。

    It 's not often that a player will take time out of a game day to go speak , or frankly , do anything besides get ready to play basketball , according to Golden State forward Draymond Green .

  5. 例如内华达山脉股份公司SierraNevadaCorporation,简称SNC的有翼的追梦者号,就像一个拥有翅膀和无阻力设计主体的迷你航天飞机,这样就可以从太空飞回来而不是靠穿越大气层的火箭。

    Sierra Nevada 's winged Dream Chaser , for example , resembles a miniature space shuttle , with an aerodynamically shaped body and wings so it can fly back from space , rather than make a ballistic plunge through the atmosphere like capsules .

  6. 我要去洛杉矶追梦。

    I 'm going to go chase my dream in LA .

  7. 做一个追梦者,有耕耘必有收获;

    To be a Dream , comes from plowing and harvesting ;

  8. 如果你是个追梦人,不要被梦主宰;

    If you can dream and not make dreams your master ;

  9. 我要赢得你的心。我要勇敢追梦。

    Yes I 'm here to win your heart and soul .

  10. 美丽迷住了每个年轻的追梦人,在它身旁徘徊。

    Their beauty captures every young dreamer who lingers near them .

  11. 世界为追梦者开路!

    Please remember , the world makes way for the dreamer .

  12. 何以能寻梦、追梦、圆梦?

    How can you seek , pursue and fulfill your dreams ?

  13. 你就是一个认真追逐梦想的追梦人!

    You are one of them , a serious dreamer !

  14. 每一种文化中都有追梦的神话,

    There 's a myth in most cultures about following your dreams .

  15. 我要成为他们中的一员,就是一个认真追逐梦想的追梦人!

    I want to be one of them , a serious dreamer !

  16. 世界永远属于追梦的人。

    The world always belongs to the way for dreamer .

  17. 慢慢读着,追梦当年的眼神

    And slowly read , and dream of the soft look

  18. 让我来讲一个关于追梦小女孩的故事。

    Let me tell you about a little girl with a dream .

  19. 追梦人日夜劳苦奔波。

    Dream toil day and night to run around .

  20. 悲伤的追梦人的悲伤故事。

    Sad stories about sad people with pathetic dreams .

  21. 我们都在努力奔跑,我们都是追梦人。

    We are running at full speed towards the realization of our dreams .

  22. 当我们来到这个世界,我们已经永远的是一个追梦者了。

    When we came into the world , we are the dreamer forever !

  23. 勇士队追梦·格林,毫不留情的用T恤衫嘲讽了一波骑士队。

    Warriors ' Draymond Green mocks Cavs with T-shirt .

  24. 在梦想照进现实之前,我是一个追梦人。

    Before the dream turns into reality , I am always a dream-chaser .

  25. 追梦的路上,我们并肩前行。

    On the road chasing our dreams , we walk side by side .

  26. 城市的足迹,见证着我们追梦的历程!

    City witnesses our adventure of chasing dream !

  27. 因为在音乐剧《追梦女郎》中的出众表现,他获得了2006年的奥斯卡提名。

    He was Oscar nominated in 2006 for his role in the musical Dreamgirls .

  28. 敢于追梦,实现梦想。

    Dare to dream , live the dream .

  29. 以及你决定追梦的方式。

    And your way to chase your dreams .

  30. 我们叫追梦者空间多功能飞行器是有原因的。

    We call Dream Chaser a ' space utility vehicle ' for a reason .