
  1. 颜宁就是这样一个追梦人。

    Yan Ning is such a dream follower .

  2. 如果你是个追梦人,不要被梦主宰;

    If you can dream and not make dreams your master ;

  3. 美丽迷住了每个年轻的追梦人,在它身旁徘徊。

    Their beauty captures every young dreamer who lingers near them .

  4. 你就是一个认真追逐梦想的追梦人!

    You are one of them , a serious dreamer !

  5. 我要成为他们中的一员,就是一个认真追逐梦想的追梦人!

    I want to be one of them , a serious dreamer !

  6. 追梦人日夜劳苦奔波。

    Dream toil day and night to run around .

  7. 悲伤的追梦人的悲伤故事。

    Sad stories about sad people with pathetic dreams .

  8. 我们都在努力奔跑,我们都是追梦人。

    We are running at full speed towards the realization of our dreams .

  9. 在梦想照进现实之前,我是一个追梦人。

    Before the dream turns into reality , I am always a dream-chaser .

  10. 因为共同的梦想,我们聚集了一群具有专业素质、创新精神的追梦人。

    Because a common dream , we have gathered a group of professional quality , innovative dream-chaser .

  11. 罗大佑为三毛写和唱的追梦人“让轻风吹动了你的长发”每每听的我潸然泪下。

    Luo Sanmao write and sing for the dreamer who " let the wind blowing your hair ," I often hear tears .

  12. 时光飞逝,我发现自己只是个追梦人,而失败是追梦人的宿命,因为梦想在那虚无的天空之城。

    TIME flies , I find that I 'm only a DREAMCATCHER , and the DESTINY of the dreamcatchers is Failure , because the dream is in the LAPUTA .

  13. 我在喜马拉雅山的山脚下度过了青春岁月,当时有个朋友被我们称为“追梦人”。他每天都在享受最微妙的乐趣——用五颜六色标注蝴蝶、数地平线上的高峰,对着形状各异的云朵编故事。

    In my adolescent years on the foothills of Himalayas , I had a friend we all referred to as the " dreamy guy . " He would spend his days enjoying the smallest of things - color-tagging butterflies , counting peaks on the horizon , making stories out of cloud formations .

  14. 世界永远属于追梦的人。

    The world always belongs to the way for dreamer .

  15. 总有一天我会优雅地邂逅你。追梦的人啊,那伤心的人。

    I 'm crossing you in style someday , old dream-makers , you heartbreaker .

  16. 昨天通话了之后想说希望所有真心追梦的人最后都能成功!

    After a conversation I had yesterday , I wanted to say that I hope all of you who are earnestly chasing after your dreams ultimately succeed !

  17. 自建国初期以来,美国便充满了由敢于追梦的普通人所谱写的故事。我们就是这样赢得了未来。

    From the earliest days of our founding , America has been the story of ordinary people who dare to dream . That 's how we win the future .