
  • 网络Women of Color;WOC
  1. 他们慢慢走近时,我注意到那女人衣服的颜色和她脸上涂的脂粉颜色一样。

    As they edged closer I noticed that the woman 's outfit was the exact color of the false bloom on her cheeks .

  2. 褐色眼睛的男人不能通过孩子眼睛的颜色来寻找“蛛丝马迹”,他们对女人眼睛的颜色没有表现出什麽特殊偏好。

    But brown-eyed men , who cannot find any clues about paternity from a child 's eye color , had no preferences by eye color .

  3. 我相信那成群女人们的服装颜色一定是一种华丽的奇观,我会百看不厌的。

    I am certain that the colors of women 's dresses moving in a throng must be a gorgeous spectacle of which I should never tire .

  4. 女人会选择亮丽的颜色或涂一些闪光层来博取眼球。

    Women are choosing brightly-colored polishes or layers of glitter over the acrylic to draw attention to the nails .