
  • Cashmere Mafia
  1. 刘玉玲现在出演《女人帮》一片的女主角,该片是和《欲望城市》风格相似的一部句,讲述纽约的四个职业女性。

    The actress 's current gig is as lead on Cashmere Mafia , a Sex and the City-style program about four professional women in New York City .

  2. 据好莱坞记者新闻报道,《女人帮》被砍,刘玉玲正在商谈作为常规配角加入《黑金家族》&另一部ABC电视台的剧目。

    Conditional on Cashmere 's cancellation , Liu is in talks to join Dirty Sexy Money another new ABC show as a series regular , according to The Hollywood Reporter .

  3. 一个在纽约市区附近的女人帮我纹的。

    A woman in upstate New York did it for me .

  4. 但是女人帮不上忙,只会捣乱。

    But women just can 't help being a bother .

  5. 既然女人帮着挣钱,那么男人就觉得自己在家也应该帮老婆。

    Since a woman helps financially , a man feels that he should help his wife in the home .

  6. 问题10.这个女人将帮她的室友做什么?

    Question 10 . What favor is the woman going to do for her roommate ?

  7. 因为带领那群吸血鬼的女人可以帮你找到妻子

    Because the woman in charge of the crowd can help you find your wife .

  8. 与此同时,新娘家中的女人们帮新娘穿上民族服装。其中包括银制的饰物和一顶新娘花冠。

    Meanwhile the women of the bride 's family help her dress in national costume ( 5 ) that consists of silver jewelry and a bridal crown .

  9. 女人是不会帮他们的。

    It 's not up to women to help them .

  10. 他整天都在店里工作,女儿则在院里玩耍;如果需要离开几个钟头,隔壁邻居家女人便会帮他照看明娜。

    All day while he worked in his shop , she played in the yard , and when he had to be absent for a few hours , the woman next door looked after her .

  11. 一个单身女人想找个人帮她做家务,于是她决定找一只宠物来帮忙。

    A single woman wanted someone to help her with the household chores , so she decided to get a pet to help out .

  12. 当一位高个子的金发碧眼女人要求鞋店店员帮她挑选几双低后跟鞋时,女店员问她低后跟鞋何以相配。

    When the tall blonde asked the shoe clerk for help in selecting some low-heeled shoes , saleswoman asked her what they were to go with .

  13. 蜈蚣管家一个单身女人想找个人帮她做家务,于是她决定找一只宠物来帮忙。

    The centipede Housekeeper A single woman wanted someone to help her with the household chores , so she decided to get a pet to help out .