
  • 网络Little journalist;Little Reporter;Small press
  1. FirstNews是英国第一家面向年轻人的全国性报纸。这名小记者是该报的一名读者。他在此前曾问奥斯本财长的数学是否很好。

    The young interviewer from a panel of readers of First News - the UK 's first national newspaper for young people - had previously asked Mr Osborne whether he was good at maths .

  2. 你可以成为儿童天地的小记者!

    You can be a reporter for HK for kids .

  3. 昨天下午三时,我参加了向日葵小记者会议。

    Three o'clock at yesterday afternoon , I joined in little porter 's meeting .

  4. 是学校小记者组成员,多次负责采访和撰写新闻,表现优秀。

    She also acted as the reporter in our school and wrote much good news .

  5. 人人争当奥运小记者。

    Everyone strives for little Olympic journalist .

  6. 我是安阳少年新闻学校的学生,是中国少年报的小记者。

    I am a young reporter from China Teenager Newspaper of the student 's report station in Anyang .

  7. 英孚小记者,贡献榜,学生电影和书评等栏目都欢迎读者们的参与!

    EF 's junior reporter staff , contribution page , and student movie and book reviews invite readers to have their say on our pages .

  8. 在主题研讨中,来自中央电视台的小记者们将与来宾分享他们通过大众传媒表达儿童观点的经验和感受,以及他们如何在参与媒体的过程中自身也得到成长。

    During the discussions , child reporters from CCTV will share their experience presenting children 's views through the mass media and how they themselves have benefitted from the participation .

  9. 潘叔叔向我们解释到这些孩子是小记者今天到此来学习科技知识,回去后要写文章投稿。

    Pan explained to us that these children are little Journalists and are here to study science and technology today , and each of them will have to write an essay about the experience .

  10. 在她前往三个城市宣传抗击儿童肥胖的动起来活动期间,奥巴马夫人告诉随行的一小拨记者说:任何处在这个位置的人都会受到极大关注。

    Anyone in this position has a huge spotlight , Obama told a small group of reporters traveling with her on a three-city tour to promote her Let 's Move program to fight childhood obesity .

  11. 我想把这颗牙齿做成项链,然后告诉我所有的朋友。小男孩对记者说。

    ' I want to put it on a necklace so that I can tell all my friends , ' he told ABC .

  12. 我记得学校里有一位小男孩,记者问他,“为什么塔利班反对教育?”

    And I remember that there was a boy in our school who was asked by a journalist why are the Taliban against education ?

  13. 我记得学校里有一位小男孩,记者问他,为什么塔利班反对教育?

    And I remember that there was a boy in our school who was asked by a journalist : Why are the Taliban against education ?

  14. 我记得学校里有一位小男孩,记者问他,“为什么塔利班反对教育?”他指着自己的书本简单地回答:“塔利班不知道这书里写着甚么。”

    And I remember that there was a boy in our school who was asked by a journalist : " Why are the Taliban against education ? " He answered very simply by pointing to his book , he said : " A Talib doesn 't know what is written inside this book 。 "

  15. 学员通常呆在小木屋中,记者说,喇荣噶近些年来规模显著增长。

    The students commonly stay in log cabins and correspondents say the site has grown considerably in recent years .

  16. 虽然中秋有3天小长假,但记者发现,各旅行社并没有针对中秋制定特别的旅游线路。

    Although there will be3 days off during the Mid-Autumn Festival , our reporter did not find any special tour routes developed by travel agencies .

  17. 为什么我要被那些有权势的家伙采访然后再向一些小的地方媒体记者否定之前传闻我说过的话?

    Why am I going to give an interview to some powerful guy and I 'm going to deny it to some small provincial reporter ?

  18. 小继汕告诉记者,他每天早上都是准时5点起床,第一件事就是帮助妈妈解大小便。

    Following a small Shan told reporters that he is on time every morning get up at5 , the first thing is to help mothers understand toilet .

  19. 当医院之旅结束的时候,我们的怀疑得到了证实。在记者的闪光灯停止后,一名医院人员将一张小纸条塞给记者。

    Our suspicions were confirmed at the end of our hospital visit when , off camera , a member of the hospital staff passed a scrap of paper to the Press .

  20. 当时,我在加州沙漠里一家很小的报社做记者,年收入1.2万美元,克拉丽莎则在同一家报社做摄影师,年入1万美元。

    At the time , I was earning $ 12,000 a year as a reporter at a tiny newspaper in the California desert , and Clarissa was earning $ 10,000 as a photographer there .