
sān cǎi
  • Tricolor;three-colour glazed pottery
三彩[sān cǎi]
  1. 这就是大名鼎鼎的三彩骆驼载乐俑。

    This is the famous tri-color glazed camel carrying musicians .

  2. 三彩绒系列产品的开发研制

    Development and investigation of three-colored velvet series products

  3. 它的种类繁多,主要有人物、动物和日常生活用具。三彩人物和动物的比例适度,形态自然,线条流畅,生动活泼。

    The accurately propor-tioned human and ardmal figures have fluid lines , natural expressions and life-like movements .

  4. 安史之乱以后,随着唐王朝的逐步衰弱,由于瓷器的迅速发展,三彩器制作逐步衰退。

    As the Tang Dynasty gradually lost power and its porcelain-producing technology developed , tri-colored glazed pottery de-clined .

  5. 随葬品主要有三彩俑及器物、彩绘陶俑、瓷器、玉器、铜器及墓志等。

    The major yield includes the tricolor figurines and objects , porcelain , jade and bronze articles , epitaph etc.

  6. 并由此对金、元时期及其以后的三彩烧造也产生深远影响。

    Thus having far-reaching effects on the Jin and Yuan period as well as the afterward production of the Tri-color .

  7. 在这短短的时间内,唐三彩的工匠给后世留下了巨大的辉煌,三彩人物俑更是其中比较精彩的一类。

    In the short time , it left enormous brilliance , the characters figurines are one of the most exciting category .

  8. 史之乱以后,随着唐王朝的逐步衰弱,由于瓷器的迅速发展,三彩器制作逐步衰退。

    As the Tang Dynasty gradually lost its power and the technology of producing porcelain quickly developed , tri-colored glazed pottery production declined .

  9. 三彩绒系列产品是将涤纶针织经、纬编绒类织物经过立体拷花、转移印花精深加工而成。

    The three-colored velvet series products are produced through the deep processing of 3D embossing and transfer printing using polyester warp knitted or weft knitted velvet fabrics .

  10. 这样以来,不仅可以将唐三彩与奈良三彩严格地区分开来,而且也有助于对中国各大不同窑口产品的研究。

    This approach can help us not only easily to identify the tri-coloured pottery of Nara in Japan , but also to study the products or various pottery kilns in China .

  11. 辽三彩继承了唐三彩的装饰技法,对三彩的发展不仅起到了承接作用,而且还开启了三彩文化的一个新时代。

    Tri-color of Liao Dynasty inherited decoration techniques of Tri-color of Tang Dynasty , which not only plays a continuous role , but also opens a new era of Tri-color culture .

  12. 后来又产生了“辽三彩”、“金三彩”、但在数量、质量以及艺术性方面,都远不及唐三彩。

    Though tri-colored glazed pottery was also produced in the Liao and Jin dynasties , it was not made in such great numbers and its quality was not as good as that of the Tang Dynasty .

  13. 三彩人物和动物的比例适度,形态自然,线条流畅,生动活泼。不像外国影视广告中的故事,很自然,很流畅,有顺理成章的逻辑关系。

    The accurately proportioned human and animal figures have fluid lines , natural expressions and life-like movements . Unlike the stories within foreign showbiz advertisement , they are very natural and flowing freely with clear logic relation .

  14. 唐代出现了三彩俑。大唐盛世的俑也进入辉煌的时期。另一方面,暗淡论的基本观点认为,每一个大的贸易港口城市都有其辉煌的时期。

    In the Tang ree-color tomb figures began to be made , ushering in a glorious stage of development for Chinese sculpture . On the " eclipse " side , the case is basically that every great trading port has its day .

  15. 文中介绍了三彩绒的生产工艺、注意事项,并阐述了213-30型三辊立体拷花机的设备改造及解决生产中疑难问题的方法。

    This paper introduces the producing technology of three-colored velvet series products and precautions . In addition , the modifications of 213-30 Type three-roller 3D embossing machine are presented and the ways to solve the common difficult problems encountered in actual production are discussed .