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shǒu jiǎo
  • Hand and foot;extremity;motion;underhand method;procedure;movement of hands or feet;formality;military arts
手脚 [shǒu jiǎo]
  • (1) [movement of hands or feet]∶指举动、动作

  • 慌了手脚

  • (2) [underhand method]∶为了某种目的而暗中进行的活动

  • 做了手脚

  • (3) [extremity]∶四肢

  • 手脚冰凉

  • (4) [military arts]∶指拳脚;武艺

  • 教那厮看洒家手脚

  • (5) [formality;procedure]∶工序;手续

  • 这是一道手脚,不要以后再来搞运动解决这个事情。--邓小平《精简机构是一场革命》

手脚[shǒu jiǎo]
  1. 他手脚摊开横躺在床上。

    He was sprawled full-length across the bed .

  2. 一名旅游者在喝了一杯被动了手脚的橙汁饮料后遭到了抢劫。

    A tourist was robbed after being given a drugged orange .

  3. 信封被人动过手脚,然后又用胶带封上了。

    The envelope has been tampered with and then taped shut again .

  4. 他会吃两片阿司匹林,然后摊开手脚躺在床上。

    He would take two aspirin and sprawl out on his bed .

  5. 我开始手脚并用朝门口爬去。

    I began to crawl on my hands and knees towards the door

  6. 他们手脚并用,爬上了一片成陡直梯田状的橄榄林外面的石头围墙。

    They clambered up the stone walls of a steeply terraced olive grove

  7. 克里斯手脚并用爬上了公路。

    Chris crawled on his hands and knees out onto the highway .

  8. 她的手脚都很小,脸又扁又圆。

    She had small feet and hands and a flat , round face .

  9. 他发现他的电脑被人动过手脚。

    He found his computer had been tampered with .

  10. 我现在想那饮料是否被人动过手脚。

    I wonder now if that drink had been drugged

  11. 她为美国宪法的表述缚住了手脚。

    Her hands were tied by the way that the US constitution is structured .

  12. 要想取得授权,需要制定明确的目标,但不能束缚住自己的手脚。

    Part of winning a mandate is having clear goals and not boxing yourself in

  13. 桑德斯先生把她的手脚捆了起来。

    Mr Saunders tied her hands and feet .

  14. 他手脚并用地打着拍子。

    He beats time with hands and feet .

  15. 他发现手脚变冷了。

    He found that his extremities grew cold

  16. 当众发言前,我们全都手脚发抖,嘴巴发干。

    We have all had a shaky hand and a dry mouth before speaking in public

  17. 锻炼非常重要,它可以促进血液循环,保持手脚温暖。

    Exercise is very important as it keeps the circulation moving and warms the extremities .

  18. 我们没做任何手脚,该什么样就会什么样。

    We didn 't ' fix ' anything . It 'll be seen as it happens

  19. 他们手脚张开地躺在草地躺椅上,打着呼噜。

    They sprawled in lawn chairs , snoozing

  20. 不要再在开支账户上动手脚了。

    Stop fiddling your expenses account .

  21. 他被关在一个小房间里,大部分时间都被绑着手脚,蒙着双眼。

    He had been kept in a small room , bound and blindfolded for much of his captivity .

  22. 我们刚生下来时身体都很灵活,但随着年龄的增长,手脚会变得有些僵硬。

    We are all born flexible but as we grow older , we tend to seize up a little .

  23. 我已经辞职了,他们可以放开手脚任命他们喜欢的人来顶替我的位置。

    I have resigned , and they have a free hand to appoint whom they like in my place .

  24. 他没有成家的理由是不想被捆住手脚。

    The reason he didn 't have a family was that he didn 't want to be tied down .

  25. 老太太手脚有点不灵了。

    The old lady has trouble moving about .

  26. 大多数死者手脚都被烧坏,全身发黑。

    Most of the dead were burned on the hands and feet and blackened all over .

  27. 最后他站起来,手脚麻木,觉得很冷。

    He got up at last , cramped and rather chilly .

  28. 他虽然上了年纪,手脚倒还灵便。

    Though getting on in years , he is still nimble .

  29. 这个青年承认他为了钱而对一些马作了手脚,使它们跑得不快。

    The youth admitted that he had stiffed horses for a fee .

  30. 这个口号会约束我们的手脚。

    Such a slogan will bind our hand and foot .