
  1. 如果我紧张,我的手就会出汗。

    If I get nervous , my hands will sweat .

  2. 天哪我的手在出汗

    Oh , my gosh , my hands are sweating .

  3. 我猜他手已经出汗了,第一张是100卢比,看来不是小数!

    I guess he was sweating in his hand . Hehe , The first note is rbs100 , seems not a small figure .

  4. 手汗症或过度手出汗是遗传性,它极有可能会影响到你的几个兄弟姐妹的家庭至少有一个是你的父母有这个条件。

    Palmar hyperhidrosis or excessive hand sweating is hereditary and it is highly likely to affect a few of your siblings within the family is at least one of your parents have this condition .