
  • 网络hand-transmitted vibration;hand transmitted vibration;hand arm vibration
  1. 便携式风力灭火机手传振动的测定

    Portable pneumatic extinguishers Measurement of hand-transmitted vibration

  2. 指出了传统方式检测人体接触手传振动的弊端,探讨了如何基于虚拟仪器技术来完成此种振动测量和评价。

    This paper pointed out the shortcomings of the measurement of human exposure to hand-transmitted vibration in traditional way , and tried to measure and assess the vibration based on virtual instrument .

  3. 使用LabView编程语言建立了一套测评系统,此系统的依据是“机械振动-人体接触手传振动的测量和评价指南”(ISO5349)。

    A system according to the standard of " Guidelines for the measurement and the assessment of human exposure to hand-transmitted vibration " ( ISO5349 ) was built by Lab VIEW .

  4. 手传振动对凿岩工人精液质量的影响

    Effects of Hand Transmitted Vibrations on Sperm Quality in Coal Mine Drillers

  5. 手指皮温对检测手传振动职业危害的意义

    Significance of finger dermal temperature to indicate occupational hazard of hand arm vibration

  6. 手传振动的危害及防护

    Hazard of Hand Transmitted Vibration and Its Prevention

  7. 手传振动对外周循环功能的影响及其与植物神经功能关系的研究

    Effects of Hand Transmitted Vibration on Peripheral Circulation and Its Correlation with Autonomic Nervous Function

  8. 国际标准机械振动&人体接触手传振动的测量和评价指南

    Mechanical vibration - Guidelines for the measurement and the assessmet of human exposure to hand-transmitted vibration

  9. 手传振动对煤矿掘进工血浆内皮素、一氧化氮浓度的影响

    Effects of Hand Transmitted Vibration on Concentrations of Plasma Endothelin and Nitric Oxide in Coal Mine Drillers

  10. 综述了手传振动危害的现状及为减少振动危害开展的工作。

    The status of hand transmitted vibration exposure and the action for reducing vibration risk in China were reviewed .

  11. 手传振动作业工人手部温度分布的红外图像分析及其冷水负荷试验的影响

    Thermographic analysis on distribution of hand skin temperature among workers exposed to vibration and the effect of cold water test

  12. 目的探讨手传振动对接触者早期职业损害的指标,避免发生手传振动导致的不可逆改变。

    Objective To study the early indicator of hand arm vibration damage and avoid irreversible changes of hand arm vibration disease .

  13. 为探讨手传振动对外周循环功能与植物神经功能的关系,对39名金矿凿岩工人进行了冷水试验前后手部红外摄像及心率变异性的研究。

    To explore the effects of hand transmitted vibration ( HTV ) on peripheral circulation and its correlation with autonomic nervous function , the thermograph and heart rate variability of 39 drilling workers in gold mine were observed .