
  • 网络Hand Tool;handtool
  1. 砂轮切割刀(不包括手工具)

    Cutter , for grinding wheel ( excl. hand tools )

  2. 锋利的手工具不能放到口袋里。

    Sharp hand tools should not be carried in pockets .

  3. 用来在研钵中研磨东西的棒状手工具。

    A club-shaped hand tool for grinding substances in a mortar .

  4. 本实用新型属常用手工具。

    The utility model belongs to the common hand tool .

  5. 有带切边的扁钢刃的手工具。

    A hand tool with a flat steel blade with a cutting edge .

  6. 装袋钩,农业用(手工具)

    Hook , bagging , agricultural ( hand tools )

  7. 农用或园艺锄(不包括手工具)

    Agricultural or horticultural hoe ( excl. hand tools )

  8. 罗盘手工具大会由铝块和明确的亚克力板。

    Compass Hand Tool Assembly consists of an aluminum block and clear acrylic plate .

  9. 用来开启密封的容器(瓶子或铁罐)的手工具。

    A hand tool used for opening sealed containers ( bottles or cans ) .

  10. 有可以调整的叶片来抛光或整塑木头的木匠的手工具。

    A carpenter 's hand tool with an adjustable blade for smoothing or shaping wood .

  11. 用来上紧或扭螺母或螺栓的手工具。

    A hand tool that is used to hold or twist a nut or bolt .

  12. 磨光工具,可互换的,贱金属制,手工具或机床用电火花机械复合工具磨床

    Interchangeable lap of base metal for hand or machine tools electrosparking & machinery tool grinding machine

  13. 钢材、大小五金、手工具、船舶用品、油田设备,建筑材料、钢管。

    Steel Products , Hardware , Handtools , Ship-Chanders , Oil Refinery Equipment , Building Materials , Pipes .

  14. 起螺丝的一种手工具;有一个可以插入螺丝头的尖端。

    A hand tool for driving screws ; has a tip that fits into the head of a screw .

  15. 改进后的镰刀结构简单,制做方便,是农民理想的农用手工具。

    The utility model has the advantages of convenient portability , simple structure , high work efficiency and convenient manufacturing .

  16. 有重的钢头和手柄的手工具;用来传递击打产生的冲力。

    A hand tool with a heavy rigid head and a handle ; used to deliver an impulsive force by striking .

  17. 有尖角的木制手工具;用来在地上挖洞种植物种子或鳞茎。

    A wooden hand tool with a pointed end ; used to make holes in the ground for planting seeds or bulbs .

  18. 一种有手柄和金属扁刃的小的手工具;用来挖掘抹撒灰膏或类似材料。

    A small hand tool with a handle and flat metal blade ; used for scooping or spreading plaster or similar materials .

  19. 有两根铰合在一起的尺子组成的手工具,用它可以测量任何尺寸的角度。

    A hand tool consisting of two rules that are hinged together so you can draw or measure angles of any size .

  20. 某些表面或全部表面有小尖齿的铁制的手工具;用来打磨木头或金属。

    A steel hand tool with small sharp teeth on some or all of its surfaces ; used for smoothing wood or metal .

  21. 它可以在你需要时随时变身为各种称手的工具。

    It can transform into whatever you need it to be .

  22. 深潜救援潜器新型对接技术的仿真研究水下作业机械手与工具自动对接技术研究

    Research on Mating Technology between Underwater Manipulator and Automatic Toolkit

  23. 一套刀叉匙餐具、高尔夫球杆、手用工具

    A set of cutlery , golf clubs , hand tools

  24. 自动开启螺丝刀是一种手携工具。

    The utility model relates to a foldable screwdriver belonging to hand tools .

  25. 手锻工具包括各种形状的锻锤。

    Hand forging tools comprise variously shaped hammers .

  26. 介绍一种新型手用工具的工作原理及设计方法。

    The operating principle and design method of a new manual tool are introduced . Using T.

  27. 用手,工具,或武器造成沉重的打击。

    Inflict a heavy blow on , with the hand , a tool , or a weapon .

  28. 中央手用工具研究所

    Central Institute of Hand Tools

  29. 若你开始问问题,著手找工具,投入这游戏,并相信你能做不可能的事。

    If you start asking the questions , getting the tools , playing the game , and believing that you can do the impossible .

  30. 《鲁班经》是我国惟一流传的记载民舍、家具、农业和手工业工具制作工艺的著作。

    The Records of Lu Ban is the only work available about folk buildings , furniture , agriculture , handicraft industry and technology of tool making .