
  • 网络cumulative sum;cusum
  1. 文章在分析了累计和控制图及传统休哈特控制图的基础上,指出了传统休哈特控制图的不足,提出将累计和控制图应用于测量系统稳定性的控制。

    Based on the comparative study of CUSUM ( cumulative sum ) control chart and traditional Shewhart control chart , the paper points out the disadvantages of the traditional Shewhart control chart . A CUSUM control chart scheme is presented to control measurement system stability .

  2. 累计和法已用于出生缺陷和某些疾病监测中,但局限于无季节性的情形。

    The Cumulative Sum technique ( CUSUM ) has been used to monitore the birth defects and other diseases with no seasonal variation in incidence rate .

  3. Kerr的V/M方法以偏差方向的累计和进行隔离判断,可能发生两种情况下的隔离模糊问题。

    Kerr 's V / M method uses the sum of bias directions to determine the isolation , as may lead to two kinds of isolation ambiguities .

  4. 出生缺陷监测中的累计和法

    The Cumulative Sum ( CUSUM ) Technique for Birth Defects Monitoring

  5. 流量累计和虚拟通道功能在无纸记录仪中的实现

    The Achievement of Flux Cumulating and Dummy Channel Function in Paperless Recorder

  6. 图的控制和连通控制累计和控制图在测量系统稳定性中的应用研究

    Study on application of CUSUM control chart in controlling measurement system stability

  7. 集合法中增长因子的确定及集合法与累计和法效率的比较

    Determination of the Increased Factor in the Sets Technique and Comparison of the Efficiency of the Sets Technique and the Cusum Technique

  8. 以陕西省出生缺陷监测1996年、1997年数据为基线,以累计和法分析1998年监测动态变化。

    Methods The CUSUM was used to monitor the birth defect of1998 , when the data of1996 and1997 were regarded as baseline .

  9. 建立了结霜工况下空气源热泵集中动态参数模型,将结霜过程分解成密度项的累计和霜层厚度项的累计。

    Establishes a dynamic lumped parameter model for air cooled heat pump under frosting condition . Divides frosting course into accumulation of density and frost thickness .

  10. 【结论】累计和法是出生缺陷监测中的一种有效而简单的方法,为监测质量控制工作提供了准确可靠的信息。

    Conclusions The cumulative sum method is an effective and convenient tool to use for monitoring birth defect . It provided accurate information for monitoring control .

  11. 上市公司独立董事应在年度报告中,对上市公司累计和当期对外担保情况、执行上述规定情况进行专项说明。

    A listed company 's independent director shall , in the annual report , make a special statement on the listed company 's accumulative and current provision of guaranty to other parties and the implementation of the above provisions .

  12. 主要功能如辨向细分、抗抖动干扰、快慢速判断、变向判断、脉冲累计和细分修正等均依靠软件完成。

    The main functions , such as direction discriminating and subdividing , shaking disturbance resisting , higher or lower speed judging , direction-change judging , pulse values summing , displacement computing and subdividing , are realized by the computer software .

  13. 针对多维TCM译码中的编码符号同步问题,提出了两种同步方法:累计度量和同步法、回溯初始状态比较同步法。

    To detect the coding synchronization of multidimensional TCM in the decoding part , two synchronization methods are proposed : the method of measurement accumulation , and method of original states of surviving paths .

  14. 在累计期权和雷曼(lehman)迷你债券等结构化产品上亏损的投资者,在香港街头抗议,指银行在风险方面误导了他们。

    Investors who lost money on structured products , such as accumulators and Lehman mini-bonds , protested on Hong Kong streets , alleging banks had misled them about the risks .

  15. 利用GPS时钟无累计误差和高精度晶振频率稳定性高的特点,并将高速采样与秒脉冲捕捉有机结合,通过硬件方式无延时地捕捉秒脉冲以获取精确的时间计数值。

    Owing to GPS clock , which has no accumulative error , and quartz oscillator , which is very stable , the time counting value is obtained without delay via hardware by combining high speed sampling and PPS ( Pulse Per-Second ) - snapping .

  16. 作者提供了累计温度和自重的徐变应力计算方法和程序,结合碾压混凝土(RCC)拱坝工程提供了施工期仿真应力特点。

    The calculating method and program of creep-stresses for accumulated weight and temperature change are given . The specifications of actual simulation stresses of roller compacted concrete ( RCC ) arch dam during construction are also given .

  17. 悬尾实验不动时间以计算机上小鼠活动曲线在6min内呈直线部分的累计之和。

    Immobility time in tail suspension test referred to the sum of horizontal part of the activity curve in 6 minutes on computer .

  18. 通过四个按键可以设定或修改外部电路的接线方式、2路继电输出的状态、电度累计值和实时时钟、查询SOE事件和继电器输出的状态等,实现人机交互功能。

    Four buttons can set or modify the external circuit wiring , 2 relay output states , cumulative value and the real-time clock , can also check SOE events and relay output status . In this way , the instrument can achieve human-computer interaction .

  19. 在催化剂累计寿命和进料空速都相近的前提下,RS-1型催化剂的反应温度比Co-Mo型催化剂低11℃,说明RS-1型催化剂的脱硫和脱氮性能优于Co-Mo型催化剂。

    The reaction temperature of the former was also 11 ℃ lower at similar accumulate life and space velocity , which expounded that the former had higher ability for treating sour feedstock and better performance of desulfurization and denitrogenation .

  20. 该脉冲记数面板硬件精简,故障率低,计数通道多,时间任意选择,可提供累计计数和计数率等参数,满足放射性仪器的维修和调试需要。

    It can provide parameters such as accumulative count , count rate etc.

  21. 基于累计平均和视觉计算的数字半调算法

    A new digital halftone method based on accumulation average and vision computation

  22. 其累计确诊和疑似病例数仍低于1500例。

    The total number of confirmed and probable cases remains under 15 hundred .

  23. 集团累计研发和生产了500多种饮料食品。

    Research and development of group accumulative total and produced a variety of500 beverage food .

  24. 累计储蓄和信贷协会

    Accumulating savings and credit associations

  25. 预计系统的可靠性,介绍综合累计法和失效率模型。

    The paper estimates the system reliability model technology , describes synthetic accumulation and the failure rate .

  26. 以姿控与推进发动机点火的累计时间和对接控制的成功率做为实验的评价指标。

    The RVD integration control success rates and total thruster ignition time were chosen as evaluation indices .

  27. 该秤采用双屏显示,可以同时显示累计重量和单次计量重量,具有累计和单次计量功能。

    This scale is used double screen , which can display accumulation data and single time weighing data respectively .

  28. 在生长季末,种群中根茎在累计长度和重量上均为增长型年龄结构。

    The age structure of rhizome is an increasing model at length and weight at the end of growing season .

  29. 此外,在长期交通荷载作用下,软黏土地基会产生较大的累计沉降和沉降差。

    In addition , large cumulative settlement and uneven settlement will be produced by the traffic load in the soft subgrade .

  30. 固定资产的原值、累计折旧和净值,应当在会计报表中分别列示。

    The original value , accumulated depreciation and net value of fixed assets shall be itemized and shown separately in financial statement .