
  • 网络price plan
  1. 在新的价格计划下,用户必须为运行的所有应用实例付费,即使某个应用大部分时候处于空闲状态。

    Under the new pricing scheme , one would pay for each application instance running even if that application is mostly idle .

  2. 新版的固定价格计划一经披露,健忘的人们就相信欧佩克会遵循这一计划。

    When the current price-stabilization scheme was first unveiled , punters with short memories placed big bets that the cartel would adhere to it .

  3. 可能是他价格操纵计划里其他的投资者。

    Maybe some other investors in his little pricing scheme .

  4. 主要问题在于贫困国家反对在发达国家的农产品价格支持计划以及存在的贸易壁垒。

    Objections by poor countries to agricultural support programs and trade barriers in wealthy ones were major issues .

  5. 完成所有的设计包括表格,功能,质量,生产性,价格和计划。

    Execute designs within product specification guidelines for form , fit , function , quality , product ability , cost and schedule .

  6. 由于肉类短缺,其他行业出现的物价扭曲、避与上涨,价格控制计划惨遭失败。

    With meat shortages , distortions in other sectors , evasions , and rising prices , the control program was in a sorry state .

  7. 我重申一次,如果没有计划好定价,就不要提交申请,这里所说的价格涵盖计划发行价区间中的任何水平。

    Once again , do not file if you do not plan to price , and this includes all prices in the planned offering range .

  8. “夏皮罗”案涉及价格控制计划,根据该计划,个人只须保留和提供他在正常情况下保留的业务记录;

    Shapiro had involved a price control program in which the individual was only required to preserve and make available business records that he normally kept ;

  9. 除了联合利华,立白,另一家领先的洗洁精生产商,以及顶益,一家生产中国过半方便面的生产商,均同意延迟价格上调计划。

    Alongside Unilever , Liby – another leading detergent producer – and Tingyi , which produces half of China 's instant noodles , agreed to delay planned price rises .

  10. 张家茵承认,换油将导致成本提高,不过麦当劳不会公布相关数据,公司没有立即提高食品价格的计划。

    Cheung admitted that costs will increase as a result of the oil change , but the company will not release data and has no immediate plans to raise food prices .

  11. 因为这一争议,邮局指控惠普未遵守该公司与其之间的合同定价规定,而且普惠在与美国邮政总局进行合同谈判时曾作出有关最优惠客户价格担保计划的错误陈述。

    Given the dispute , the post offices have alleged HP failed to comply with pricing terms of its contract , also alleged the company misrepresented its pricing during contract negotiation in its plans to ensure it will build its favorite customer rate .

  12. 长久以来我国烟草行业实行卷烟国家专卖制度,卷烟专卖专营,产品计划生产,渠道非常单一,价格是计划的,促销是受限制的,营销的四要素都不能正常发挥。

    The mode of our tobacco industry is national tobacco monopoly system , cigarette is monopolistic , product is planned to make , channels are single , price is planned , promotion is restricted , the four elements of marketing can not normal play .

  13. efsf可以保证按底线价格从该计划涵盖的国家购买短期债券。

    The EFSF could guarantee to buy , at a floor price , short-term bonds from programme countries .

  14. 据称,联想拒绝了这个价格。IBM计划出售的这项业务每年产生的销售额接近50亿美元,约占IBM服务器总营收的三分之一。

    Lenovo is said to have balked at the price tag for the business , which generates close to $ 5 billion in sales , or about a third of IBM 's overall server revenue , according to estimates .

  15. 学生能够听懂商品名称,价格以及购物计划。

    Students can understand product name , price and shopping plan .

  16. 中国数个大城市已宣布遏制食品价格上涨的计划。

    Several major cities in China have announced plans to try to cap food prices .

  17. 当然,乘客通常是基于航线、价格和会员计划来购买机票的。

    People typically buy tickets based on routes , pricing and loyalty programs , of course .

  18. 截至目前,该基金已向政府和非政府组织能力较低的地区提供了多项社会服务,因此它被认为是向农村人口拨付全球食品价格危机应对计划所提供援助的最快捷和最有效的途径。

    The fund was therefore seen as the quickest , most effective way to channel GFRP assistance to people in rural areas , says Al-Ahmadi .

  19. 全球食品价格危机应对计划提供的两笔赠款均有也门社会发展基金实施。该基金已有13年历史,由也门政府管理,并由包括世界银行在内的15捐赠机构提供援助。

    Both GFRP grants were implemented by Yemen ' s13-year-old Social Fund for Development , a government program supported by15 donors including the World Bank .

  20. 某商品或服务的供给量是指在某段时间内,厂家在某一单位价格下,计划销售的销量。

    The quantity supplied of a goods or service is the anount that producters plan to sell in a given period of time at a particular unit price .

  21. 银行特别注意关于住宅供给的活跃性和房屋价格方面刺激计划的效果,也对于在危机中心期间的零售价格指数令人吃惊的增长关切。

    The bank paid particular attention to the stimulus effect on housing activity and house prices , as well as surprising growth in retail sales during the heart of the crisis .

  22. 工程控制是增强控制力的根本措施,也是实施依法、价格管理、计划管理以及节水等其他措施的基础。

    The engineering control is a basic measure to enhance control force and also basis on which we execute management on law , price management , planning administration and water conservation .

  23. 如果该更改增加或降低了履行本订单的成本或时间,卖方可以请求就价格、交货计划表或这两方面进行公平调整。

    Should any such change increase or decrease the cost of , or the time required for performance of this order , an equitable adjustment may be requested by seller in the price , delivery schedule , or both .

  24. 改革开放以前,在计划经济体制下,我国的对外贸易是由国家垄断经营的,进出口商品的种类、数量甚至价格都是由计划命令下达的。

    Before china 's reform and opening , all the export and import trade are controlled by the government .

  25. 他选择的是价格260美元的计划,保证能在发生情况时将他护送到医院。他承认起初自己对其是否能实现承诺有所怀疑。

    He admits he was skeptical it could deliver as promised : evacuation to the hospital of his choosing for the $ 260 plan .

  26. 目前我国的建筑产品价格实际上仍然是计划价格,市场化改革要求建筑产品的价格由市场形成。

    The prices of construction products are still planned prices in China at present , and they are required by the market reform to be market driven .

  27. 主要参数灵敏度分析显示,需求增长因子和产品销售价格变化因子对计划期内供应链总利润的影响大于短缺量拖后系数。

    The sensitivity analysis shows that the demand increasing factor and the price varying factor have a greater impact on the total profit of supply chain than that of backlogging parameters .

  28. 研究还表明,市场出清价格在判断交易计划公平性时价值不大,而节点边际电价包含了关于电力交易的大量信息,应该成为电力市场信息披露中最重要的数据之一。

    Numeric studies also show that market clearing price is less valuable than nodal marginal price , which contains lots of electricity trade information and should be one of the most important parts of released information in electricity market .

  29. 由生产价格本身的性质和市场机制的特点决定,生产价格只能在市场机制中形成,但对价格实行计划调节可以克服市场机制所固有的缺陷。

    As productive price is decided by its nature and the peculiarities of market mechanism , it can only be formed in market mechanism , but planned regulation on price can be helpful to overcome the inherent defects of market mechanism .

  30. 此次调价源于食品价格上涨带动原材料价格变动。这是麦当劳本年度首次上调产品价格。而肯德基和必胜客则表示暂无价格调整计划。麦当劳此举也印证了国内物价飞涨的势态,节节高升的物价也引起了国家领导的高度关注。.

    This represents McDonald 's first price increase of the year , while KFC and Pizza Hut have so far kept prices unchanged . McDonald 's move is evidence of rising food prices in China , a key concern of China 's leaders .