
  1. 遗产资源价值的层次性及旅游开发的外部性

    Legacy Resources having administrative levels and tourist development being external

  2. 摘要人生价值具有层次性。

    Life values are of different levels .

  3. 权利价值的层次性要求我们重视权利立法,以促进权利文化的发展,为法治建设铺平道路。

    The level of the right value requests us to emphasize the right legislation , in order to promote the development of right culture and pave the way for the construction of the rule of law .

  4. 论新闻价值实现的层次性

    On levels of realization of news values

  5. 新闻价值实现的层次性是从新闻文本内容的纵向结构出发来揭示价值实现的特点。

    The article , from the vertical structure of news text , discusses characteristics of realizing news values .

  6. 人有道德责任,道德责任感的强弱直接关系到大学生道德价值选择的层次性。

    Everyone has moral responsibility , and the strong or weak sense of moral responsibility has direct bearing on the level of moral value the college students would choose .

  7. 价值观念的低层次性或价值观念缺失;

    Low hierarchical value idea ;

  8. 并进一步对顾客价值的内涵进行剖析,这包括对顾客价值的构成、顾客价值的驱动因素、顾客价值的层次性与动态性分析,以及将其与另外一个相近的术语进行比较性分析。

    And for the further understanding of CV , the author analyses the connotation of CV , which including CV component part , CV driven factors and the nature of CV levels and CV dynamics .

  9. 以上五种价值要素构成了服务产品的价值体系,这种价值体系的基本关系主要表现在五种价值要素的层次性和关联性上。

    This basic relationship in the value system mainly reflected at arrangement and relevance among five value elements .