
  1. 尽管有些错并不全在我的身上,我只是建议者,并非决策和执行者。

    Although some wrong not to me , I just suggest , not decision making and implementation .

  2. 高校领导干部是高校及各个院系、部门的带头人,是学校决策的执行者和组织者。

    Leader cadre is a foregoer in various faculties and departments of university is the decision-making executor and organizer of the school .

  3. 院长扮演着多重角色,既是学校决策的执行者,又是学院的领导者;既要代表学校,又要代表学院;既要代表管理系统,又要反映学术系统,是一个典型的角色冲突情境。

    The dean plays multiple roles , he is the decision maker and the leader ; Apart from representing the university , but also on behalf of his own college , he represents both of management system and academic system , the deanship is a typical situation with role conflict .

  4. 高管人员作为企业的决策者和执行者,在企业中具有举足轻重的地位。

    As decision makers and performers of companies , executive play an very important role in the enterprise .

  5. 在当前的学校变革中,家长参与受到变革决策者和执行者不同程度的忽视。

    During the current school reform , the parents involvement is neglected by the decision-makers and executants to some extent .

  6. 于是,市场参与者,包括宏观政策的决策者和执行者都高估了出让期限内存量商品房的资产价值,并据此进行交易和投资。

    Market participants have neither clear rational knowledge nor real perceptual cognition . Hence , market participants , including macro policy decision makers and practitioners are overvalued the asset value of the stock of commercial house , and according to this to trade and invest .

  7. 在我国,公共部门既是决策者,也是执行者,还是监督者,对社会发展拥有巨大的决定力。

    In China , the public department is not only a policy-maker but also a performer and a supervisor which has a huge decisive power on social development .

  8. 中下层管理者在企业中承上启下,既是决策者又是执行者,直接关系到企业经营管理水平,对企业发展有着重要的影响。

    Middle & first-line managers in the enterprise , are both policymakers and transitional executive , directly related to the enterprise management level , has an important influence in enterprise development .

  9. 我不是决策者,只不过是决策执行者。

    I am not the policy maker , but simply carry out the policy .

  10. 而行政决策主体是行政决策的实际执行者,是行政决策的核心角色。

    The administrative decision-making principal part is the actual executor of the executive decision-making is the core of administrative decision-making role .