
  • 网络The Duellists
  1. 我以为昨天跟我决斗的人是你。

    I thought it was you I was fighting yesterday .

  2. “啊,太好了,”他说,“我很高兴看到一个面临生死决斗的人,他的手依旧还是这样的坚定。”

    " I like ," said he ," to feel a hand like this , when its owner relies on the goodness of his cause . "

  3. 是的,他是个好决斗的人,皮埃尔想道。在他看来,杀死一个人毫无关系,他一定觉得大家都害怕他,这一定使他觉得高兴。

    Yes , he 's a duelling bully , thought Pierre ; to him it means nothing to kill a man , it must seem to him that every one 's afraid of him . He must like it .

  4. 不能妨碍一个正在决斗中的人。

    Never interrupt a man in the middle of a duel .