
jué cè rén
  • decision maker;policy maker
  1. 谁是项目决策人?

    Who is the decision maker for the project ?

  2. 证明了若干定理,充分考虑决策人的交互要求。

    Some theorems are proved and the interactive requirements of the decision maker are sufficiently considered .

  3. Jones将成为美国在双边研究协定和与发展中国家的项目上的举措的关键决策人。

    Jones will be the key shaper of US efforts in bilateral research agreements and thus programmes with developing countries .

  4. 根据欧盟的提议,实施了压力测试的EBA将担任调解人和潜在的决策人,从而打破各国监管机构之间的僵局。

    Under the EU proposals , the European Banking Authority , which conducted the stress tests , would serve as a mediator and potential decision-maker to break a stalemate between national supervisors .

  5. 公司的组织成本重要由两个部分构成:一是决策人目标不一致而引起的代理成本;决策权最优配置就是使组织成本最小化。MBO实际上是对过度分权导致代理成本过大的一种矫正。

    The companies ' organizing cost composes of twoparts : one is agency cost that be resulted in the target inconformity among these people who have the right to make the decision . The rational deciding construction can make the minimum of organizing cost .

  6. 坚持科学分析和理性探讨,影响政府决策人。

    And influencing government decision-makers through scientific analysis and rational inquiry .

  7. 他相信法官是一个律师而不是决策人。

    He believed that judges should be lawyers , not policymakers .

  8. 机构投资者的决策人属性及其决策特征

    Institutional Investor 's Intrinsic Properties as a Decision Maker and Its Characteristics

  9. 谁是上海家庭购房主要决策人?女性超半!

    Who is the main decision-makers in Shanghai family house ? Female-half !

  10. 在农业系统分析中模拟决策人心理活动的探讨

    An approach to simulating the decision behavior of decisionmakers in agricultural system

  11. 谁是这个计划的幕后决策人?

    Who is the master mind behind this plan ?

  12. 作曲人,这是我们的比赛球,你应当得的,决策人。

    Composer , here 's your game ball , you deserve it , playmaker .

  13. 下层决策人之间有关联的两层多目标决策方法

    A method of two-level multiobjective decision making problem with interconnected lower level decision makers

  14. 决策人“和”复杂人“是人们对现代人的一致认识。

    The up-to-date man agrees on that people is a policymaker or a complicated person .

  15. 如果没有你就没有这个剧。你是这里的决策人,凯尔丝。

    Without you there is no show , you 're the playmaker here , kelsi .

  16. 难道作曲者不是象篮球中的决策人?

    Isn 't the composer of a show kind of like the playmaker in basketball ?

  17. 水是农业的命脉;④提高决策人和生产者的素质。

    Water is the vital of agriculture , ④ Increase the quality of policymaker and producer .

  18. 决策人分组的两层决策算法

    Bilevel Decision Algorithm with Group Decision-Makers

  19. 仿真实例结果表明,决策人之间的协调结构对决策效率有明显的影响。

    The simulation result indicates that decision making coordination structure has significant influence on decision making efficiency .

  20. 今天,在董事会中高智慧的外来决策人与家族成员拥有同等的地位。

    Today qualified executives from outside work on an equal footing with family members at board level .

  21. 非财务指标是财务指标一个很好的补充,能提高财务预警的精度,为决策人作出决策提供更多的信息。

    Non-financial indexes which are good complement to financial indexes can enhance the precision of financial early-warning .

  22. 当企业的决策人对生产、市场或战略计划提出正确的问题时,事业就获得成功。

    Businesses succeed when their decision makers ask the right questions about product lines or markets or strategic planning .

  23. 许多专家相信,在下周决策人会议时美国中央银行不会改变利率。

    Most experts believe the United States central bank will keep interest rates unchanged when policy makers meet next week .

  24. 第三,都市决策人仍在解决那些在居住分离和种族歧视历史上根深蒂固的问题。

    Third , urban policymakers continue to grapple with problems rooted in the history of residential segregation and racial discrimination .

  25. 公司决策人有责任保证公司在可以预见的未来都一直生存下去。

    Corporate executives have the responsibility to make sure that the corporation will continue to exist for the foreseeable future .

  26. 人机交互系统允许决策人修改模型参数以达到满意的生产计划。在应用风险型决策方法的过程中,不仅使用常用的期望损益值法,而且考虑到不同决策主体的风险偏好。

    Moreover , decision maker can use the interactive system to modify the parameters even model to achieve the satisfied solution .

  27. 然后,通过分析人与决策人之间的交互,求得两层决策问题的满意解。

    And then , the analyst and decision makers interact to achieve the preferred solution to the two-level decision making problem .

  28. 机构投资者决策人假说的提出,将有助于推动相关理论研究和实践发展进程。

    The pose of the decision maker hypothesis will be helpful to promote the relative theory researches and guide the practice .

  29. 决策人就像一个走钢索的人一样,只有向前走,才能避免从上面栽下来。

    The policymaker is then like a man on a tightrope ; he can avoid a precipitous drop only by moving forward .

  30. 法律也提到那位决策人应该是谁:是配偶,除非很显然他或她不合适。

    The law also says who the one decision-maker should be : the spouse , unless he or she is demonstrably unfit .