
  1. 至于说为个人谋利,那是决没有的事。那人私下承认他的动机是为了谋利。

    The man privately admits that his motive is to make profit . He is a person who never pursues selfish interests .

  2. 我决不干这等事。

    I 'll never do this sort of thing .

  3. 他一直说我们决不能干那事。

    He said all along that we could never do it .

  4. 失业使我认识到决不能认为什么事都是理所当然的。

    Losing my job taught me never to take anything for granted .

  5. 然后萨曼莎做了一件她第一次约会决不会做的事

    And then Samantha did something rather shocking for a first date .

  6. 决不允许任何事阻挠我们寻求真理。

    Nothing must be allowed to interfere with our research for the truth .

  7. 我决不会把那种事称为英雄行为。

    We 'll never call that a heroic deed .

  8. 大卫决不会为了这点事伤脑筋。

    David will never trouble his head about it .

  9. 我了解他,他决不会干这种事儿。

    I know him . he 'll never do that sort of thing .

  10. 我决不容许任何事中断我的学习。

    I allowed nothing to interrupt my studying .

  11. 他们决不会做这种事。

    They would never do anything like that .

  12. 他向我保证他决不再做那种事了。

    He assures that he will not do that kind of thing any more .

  13. 死,对于她来说是决不可能的事。

    It was impossible for her to die .

  14. 艾米丽决不会做这种事

    Emily would never do that .

  15. 他说他决不会做这种事,因为这麽做会很丢脸。

    He said that he will never do it , because to do so will be to lose face .

  16. 她决不会做这种事。做事匆忙,就会出错。

    She cannot by any possibility do such a thing . You will make mistakes if you do things in a hurry .

  17. 但他又说,他从不代人提亲,将来也决不做这种事。

    But he also declared that he never had taken on himself the responsibility of making proposals for another , and he never would .

  18. 唔,要是她能够把那些岁月重新过一遍,她就决不做那种事,对艾希礼连看都不会看一眼的!

    Oh , if she could only live those years over again ! She would never even let her eyes meet those of ashley .

  19. 我看,一定是他们太怠慢了她。象她那样一个姑娘,要是有人好好地照料她,她是决不会做出那种事来的。

    I am sure there was some great neglect or other on their side , for she is not the kind of girl to do such a thing , if she had been well looked after .

  20. 我觉得是詹森偷了我的文件。乙:不会的。甲:他是唯一一个走得晚的人。乙:我了解他,他决不会干这种事儿。

    I think it was Jason who stole my document . b : fat chance ! A : he 's the only one who left here late . b : I know him . he 'll never do that sort of thing .