
  • 网络decision tree;decision tree analysis
  1. 本文分析了铀矿开采项目的传统经济评价方法和实物期权法,传统经济评价方法介绍了净现值法、蒙特卡洛法、决策树法等,实物期权法有B-S定价模型和二叉树定价模型。

    In this paper , the traditional methods including NPV , Monte Carlo simulation analysis , Decision Tree and so on and the real options method including Black-Scholes and Binomial methods were discussed .

  2. 谈决策树法在工程投标中的应用

    Application of a Decision Tree Method in Bidding of Projects

  3. 基于KSVM决策树法的人脸检测与定位

    Face Detection and Location Based on the Method of Non-linear Support Vector Machines ( KSVM ) Decision Tree

  4. 干涉测量土地利用影像分类决策树法森林识别研究

    A study on forest identification with the decision tree for interferometric land-use image

  5. 运用费用效益分析和决策树法探讨我国乙肝疫苗接种策略

    Studies on strategies of Hepatitis B Vaccination by Cost-Benefit Analysis and Decision Tree

  6. 第7章提出了几种测度投资风险的方法,除了传统的概率、期望值、方差和标准差之外,还介绍了主观评分法、决策树法和层次分析法;

    Chapter 7 put forward several kinds of methods to estimate investment risk ;

  7. 运用决策树法进行建设工程投标决策

    The application of tree-like decision-making in construction project bid

  8. 一种多值逻辑函数化简方法&决策树法

    An Approach to Minimization of Multiple Valued Logic Functions & the Decision Tree Approach

  9. 决策树法在投标中的应用

    The application of decision tree analysis in bidding

  10. 基于决策树法的电力企业经营者年薪制的应用研究

    Application Research on Annual Salary of Electrical Enterprise Operators on the Basis of Decision Tree

  11. 决策树法在铁路施工企业投标决策中的应用

    Application of the Decision Tree to the Submission of Tender Decision in Railway Construction Project

  12. 基于决策树法的北京城市居民通勤距离模式挖掘

    Data mining on commuting distance mode of urban residents based on the analysis of decision tree

  13. 将降雨条件和流域下垫面等因素作为水库入库输沙量的表征因子,对各因子进行离散分级,采用决策树法模拟场次洪水的降雨径流与输沙量关系,制定入库沙量预报规则。

    Make the Raining conditions and characteristics of underlying surface as Characterization of factor of sediment discharge .

  14. 以该人群乙肝病毒标志物阳性率为基本参数,采用费用-效果分析法和决策树法确定社区人群乙肝疫苗接种前的最优筛检方案;

    The best screening programme of hepatitis B vaccination among community population was confirmed by cost-effect analysis and decision tree model .

  15. 该方法将决策树法和近邻检索法等数据挖掘技术相结合,对事例检索过程中必需的特征项相似度进行挖掘。

    This technology which combines Decision Trees and K Nearest Neighbor , can mine the relative similarity of latent-item in the course of case search .

  16. 为了能将人的知识及判别思维能力与地块分类有效地结合起来,本文选用决策树法作为分类器,并设计了四类辅助算法:1、指导构建决策树的系统聚类算法;

    To make full use of people ' knowledge and ideation , the paper selected classifying tree , and designed four kind of assistant algorithm .

  17. 在此基础上,对传统的竞争力理论进行了大胆的改造和发展,运用决策树法、层次分析法等方法,建立了企业核心竟争力评价指标及其指标体系。

    Then , the author used policy-making tree method and administrative level analysed method , building evaluation target and target system of enterprises core competitive power .

  18. 本文拟探讨采用决策树法在年薪制中的应用问题,并对具体操作过程进行了设定和说明。

    This article will approach the practical problems of applying Decision Tree to the Annual Income System . Besides , it sets and illustrates a specific handling process .

  19. 证明了决策树法作为成熟的定量分析方法,简单可行,易于操作,增加了招投标决策工作的科学性。

    As a perfect quantitative analysis method the decision tree analysis method is practicable and simple and realize scientific decision in bid invitation . Seeing Science in Multidimension ;

  20. 最后利用益损值准则法、决策树法、矩阵法对应用开发研究项目进行选择决策。

    Final , the project for applied and development research was been evaluated and selected by using profit and loss value theorem , methods of decision tree and matrix .

  21. 根据研究区典型植被的光谱特征差异,利用基于知识规则的决策树法对马尾松信息进行分类提取。

    According to the typical vegetation spectral differences in the study area , use Decision Tree Method based on Knowledge Rules to classify and extract the information of Pinus massoniana .

  22. 主要包括:方差分析,线性回归,非参数回归,决策树法,hazarddurationmethod,模糊逻辑。

    Several methods used to analyse the incident durations , including variance analysis , regression , nonparametric regression , decision tree , hazard duration , and fuzzy logic , are described .

  23. 通过运用层次分析法、等风险法和决策树法对模具企业中实际存在的风险进行了详细的分析。

    Through making use of the examples including the administrative levels analysis method , equal risk chart method and decision tree method , we could analyze detailedly the risk of mould & die manufacturing .

  24. 本文引入纹理信息,对两期数据分别进行最大似然法和决策树法进行分类,结果显示后者的精度高于前者。

    Taking advantage of the approach of texture analysis , this study compares Maximum likelihood classification and decision tree classification and the result shows that the accuracy of the latter is better than the former .

  25. 建立了评价铁路、公路、民航客运质量的决策分析模型,通过决策树法对三种运输方式现有的运输服务空间进行了评估;

    The decision analysis model is set up to evaluate passenger transport quality among railway , road and air . Present transport service space of three kinds of transport modes is estimated by means of the model .

  26. 不确定性决策方法包括肯定当量法、风险调整贴现率法、敏感性分析法和决策树法。

    Uncertain decision approaches consist certainty equivalent approach , risk adjusted discount rate approach , sensitivity analysis and decision tree analysis .