
  1. 工程竣工决算审查的一点体会

    Comprehension of the final accounting of revenue and expenditure censoring in the project completing

  2. 建筑工程预决算审查及投资控制

    On the Investigation of Budget and Final Accounts of Architectural Projects and Investment Control

  3. 本文阐述了装饰装修工程的特征,施工监理业务开展的步骤、要求和程序,资料、信息管理及决算审查的方法。

    This paper expounds the characters of decorative engineering , moves 、 demands 、 and procedures in developing supervising business of construction and methods of managing material and information , and of examining final accounts .

  4. 作为预决算审查人员,不仅要有良好的政治素质,还要有较高的业务素质,根据实际情况灵活掌握审查方法,以便能实事求是地客观地反映工程实际造价。

    The personnel of budget and final accounts must have good political and vocational quality to be able to apply flexibly ways of investigation so that the actual cost of a project can be reported objectively .

  5. 第三十七条工会应当根据经费独立原则,建立预算、决算和经费审查监督制度。

    Article 37 A trade union shall work out its own budget and final accounts , as well as its own fund inspection and supervisory systems in accordance with the principle of independent accounting .

  6. 国防费预算、决算由全国人大审查批准。

    China 's defense budget and final accounts are reviewed and approved by the NPC .