
  • 网络SSFA
  1. 中苏友好协会初期采取个人会员制,会员有证章并需要交纳会费。

    They adopted individual membership . The members had certificate and insignia but they were supposed to pay the association fee .

  2. 1991年底苏联解体,中苏友好协会随即于次年更名为中俄友好协会,从而走完了其曲折而丰富的历程。

    When the Soviet Union was disaggregated by the end of 1991 , the association was renamed as Sino-Russian Friendship Association in the next year and finished its mission in history .

  3. 笔者认为,中苏友好协会是在特殊年代产生的一个具有浓厚官方色彩的特殊民间团体,准确地定位中苏友好协会的性质,是对其历史进行客观和科学评价的首要前提。

    The author argues that to determinate the essence of the Association is the premise to comment on the history of the Association objectively and scientifically . The Sino-Soviet friendship association was the special civic body with strong official color , having generated in the special age .

  4. 笔者最后指出,应该继续深化对中苏友好协会历史的研究,从中得出有益借鉴,以更好地开展中俄民间友好交流,促进和推动新世纪的中俄战略伙伴关系。

    The author finally points out that we should continue to deepen the research on the Sino-Soviet friendship association history for some beneficial references so as to develop the Sino-Russian folk communication friendly and promote and impel the strategic partnership between China and Russia in the new century .