
  1. 五帝是中国神话传说中的五个天神。

    The Five August Emperors are the five gods in Chinese legends .

  2. 20世纪前期海外学者中国神话传说研究述评

    Review of Chinese Mythology Research of Overseas Scholars in the Earlier 20th Century

  3. “嫦娥一号”卫星得名于中国神话传说中家喻户晓的人物“嫦娥”。

    Chang'e I is named after Chang'e , a famous character from Chinese mythology .

  4. 中国神话传说浅探

    A Brief Exploration of Chinese Mythology and Legend

  5. 中国神话传说与蚕丝文化

    Chinese Myth Tales and Mulberry Silk Culture

  6. 中国神话传说和历史故事

    Legends and Tales From History

  7. 在此基础上,探讨该类动画造型同我国传统绘画元素的结合途径问题,以期促进我国中国神话传说角色动画造型的发展。

    On this foundation , discuss the animation style with traditional Chinese painting elements combined approaches to problems , in order to promote our Chinese myth legend character animation modeling development .

  8. 中国神话传说角色动画造型,指以中国的神话传说、民间传奇等文学艺术作品中的角色为创作蓝本的动画造型。

    Chinese mythology and legend character animation modeling , refers to the Chinese myths and legends , folk legends and literary and artistic works in the role for the creation of animation based on .

  9. 在中国的神话传说中,月亮上住着仙女嫦娥,木雕匠吴刚和嫦娥的宠物玉兔。

    In Chinese fairy tales , there live on the moon the fairy Chang E , a wood cutter named Wu Gang and a jade rabbit which is Chang E 's pet .

  10. 体育神话传说是中国古代神话传说中的一个内容,它为我们展示了原始体育活动与人们生产生活的密切关系。

    As a branch if ancient china mythos logy an China d legend , the sports mythology and legend reveal a close ratios between primary sports activities and people 's production and life .

  11. 中国的神话传说、民间传奇等文学艺术作品有着极其深厚的文化积淀和非常庞大的受众群体,以其为创作蓝本的中国神话传说角色动画造型必将是当代中国动画崛起的有力支撑。

    Chinese myths and legends , folk legends and other works of literature and art has the extremely profound cultural accumulation and a very large audiences , with its creation on Chinese myth legend character animation modeling will be contemporary China Animation rise strong support .

  12. 本文论述了红罗女形象的价值及意义,指出红罗女是自然的女儿,是人与自然和谐的象征,是中国各民族神话传说中少有的具有哲学思索意味的女神。

    The paper discusses the significance and value of the image of Hongluo Girl and points out that Hongluo Girl is the daughter of nature and the symbol of harmony of human and nature .

  13. 《故事新编》取材中国古典神话、传说,作者对古典神话故事加以重新组合、虚构,影射现实,具有强烈的荒诞意味。

    Old Stories Retold draws materials from Chinese classical myth and folk tales . In this obviously absurd work , the writer recomposed and fabricated the classical myth and tales while alluding the reality of Chinese society .

  14. 在中国的神话与传说中,龙的形象具有蛇身、蜥脚、鹰爪、蛇尾、鹿角和鱼鳞。

    In the Chinese folklore , the dragon has a snake 's body , a lizard 's legs , an eagle 's claws , a snake 's tail , a deer 's antler , and a fish 's scales .

  15. 试论中国古代体育英雄神话传说

    On sports mythology and legend in ancient ch in a

  16. 在其代表作《女勇士》中,她大量运用并改写了中国传统神话、民间传说和历史人物。

    In her representative work , The Woman Warrior , she has greatly added and adapted Chinese myths , folk tales and historical characters .

  17. 另一个孩子从中国古代的神话中得到灵感。他画了中国神话传说中的造物主。

    Another child got his inspiration from ancient Chinese mythology . He drew the legendary Chinese creator of the world .