
  1. 在实际工作中,冀中解放区始终坚持群众路线,密切了党群关系。

    Jizhong liberated section insisted on the mass route all the time which osculated the relation of the party and mass .

  2. 基于这些目的,他在要求学生士子学习西技西艺的同时,又坚持要求学生坚守中国传统文化特别是儒家学说。在实际工作中,冀中解放区始终坚持群众路线,密切了党群关系。

    Because of these purposes , he requested the students to learn the science and technology of the West , at the same time , he insisted the student should hold fast to Chinese traditional culture , especially Confucian theory .

  3. 运用间歇训练法的特性实际融入跆拳道的训练中,以冀提升跆拳选手的专项体能及技术水平。

    We wish using the interval training can promote the technique and specific physical fitness on the player of Tae Kwon Do .

  4. 成因地层分析方法在陆相盆地填图中的应用以冀北滦平陆相火山沉积盆地为例

    The Application of Method About Genetic Analysis of Strata in Continental Basin Mapping ── using continental volcanic-sedimentary basin in Luanping

  5. 本文介绍课堂互动性教学系统,以期引用于医学教育,达成医学教育白皮书所要求的课堂中师生互动,冀以提升医学教育成效。

    This article discusses the use of the CRS in medical education and its potential for assisting medical educators to enhance the instructor-student interaction and teaching effectiveness .

  6. 在该模式中,辽西和冀北、冀西北同时代而运动方向相反的逆冲构造系统分别构成了近东西向右行走滑系统的断盘前缘挤压逆冲构造区。

    In this model , the two thrust systems with opposite movement directions in western Liaoning and northwestern Hebei provinces are considered as the result of the compressions in the front of dextral strike-slip plates northeast and southwest of the master fault , respectively .