
  1. 近二十年中国散文史研究著作述要

    A Summary of Research Works of Chinese Prose History in Recent 20 years

  2. 唐宋八大家是中国散文史上最具影响力的流派之一。

    Essays in the history of the Tang and Song is the most influential schools of .

  3. 二十世纪末中国散文史上的奇观老生代散文(下)悲凉而沉重的黄昏忧李商隐政治诗创作特色探

    Prose of the Old Generation (ⅱ) The Deep Sorrow at the Old Age-Probing into the Creative Characteristics of Li Shang-ying 's political Poems

  4. 文学作为文化的重要体现之一,西汉的散文在有汉一代取得了辉煌的成就,树立了一座高峰,是中国散文史上十分宝贵的文化遗产。

    As on of important expression , proses of Western Han Dynasty has made brilliant achievements and established a peak being valuable cultural heritage in the history of Chinese proses .

  5. 在中国散文史上,曾巩是一位非常有影响力的作家,名列八大家之属。

    In the prose history of China , Zeng Gong is a very influential writer , and was one of the eight influence writer of the Tang and Song dynasty .

  6. 汉初政论文,以贾谊和晁错的文章为代表,在中国散文史乃至中国文学史上都占有重要的地位,发挥着承上启下的作用。

    Represented by articles of Jia Yi and Chao Cuo , the political articles in the early years of Han Dynasty play an important role in Chinese prose history and even in Chinese literature history as a connecting link .

  7. 让心灵在历史的空间荡漾&《中国当代散文史》写作随感

    China 's Contemporary Prose History Writing Thoughts

  8. 总之,宋代书院记在中国古代散文史和中国古代文化史上具有不可抹灭的意义和价值。

    To sum up , Shu Yuan Ji has indelible significance and value in prose ' history and culture history of Chinese antiquity .

  9. 这些实用性文章富于文采,颇具感染力,在中国古代散文史上产生了重要影响。

    These practical articles were rich in literary features and very affective , they also had important influence on the prose history of ancient China .

  10. 韩愈古文在唐代乃至中国散文发展史上占有极为重要的地位,其传记文也取得了很高的成就。

    The ancient text of HAN Yu play an important role in Tang Dynasty and then Chinese prose history , and his biography texts also achieve great success .

  11. 本人在全面阅读了丰子恺的散文作品后,以为其中泛现的独特之处使得其在中国现代散文史上应有其相应的位置。

    Through the overall study of Feng Zikai 's prose , I consider he should have a fitting fame in the history of Chinese modern prose for the peculiarity of his prose .

  12. 苏辙,这位名列唐宋八大家之中的古文大家,在中国古代散文发展史上有着重要的地位。

    Su Zhe , one of Tang and Song Eight Essayists , played an important role in the history of ancient essay development .

  13. 《中国20世纪散文思潮史》前言

    Preface of " The 20th Century Ideological Trend History of the Prose of China "

  14. 对于中国古代散文的总体特征、古典散文的分类、中国散文史的分期和发展规律,近二十年来,有许多学者作出了不同的分析和概括。

    About the general features , classification of Chinese ancient prose and stages and developing rules of history of Chinese prose , in resent twenty years , different scholars give different analysis and summaries .