
  • 网络decision-making reference
  1. 此研究也为LED行业中实施全面预算管理的公司提供决策参考。

    This study also implemented for the LED industry overall budget management of the company is to provide decision-making reference .

  2. 该研究对深圳ZJ公司的管理优化提供决策参考,对中国企业的精细化管理实施将有所启迪。

    The research on Management Optimization of Shenzhen ZJ company to provide decision-making reference , meticulous management of the Chinese enterprises will have the inspiration .

  3. 主力品牌“CBN财经资讯”&中国首选决策参考信息系统,第一时间,权威渠道,精确分析。

    " CBN financial information " is the main CBN brand for accurate analyses in decision-making references .

  4. 作者提出了一个引入逻辑表达式约束的EIP混合整数非线性规划模型,求解结果可为EIP的规划和管理提供决策参考。

    A mixed integer nonlinear programming model with logical proposition constraints was developed for EIP .

  5. 本研究可供政府机构、投资人、贷款人、企业以及银行计划参与一个BOT项目时作为决策参考。

    The study is available for government institution , investors , creditors , enterprises and bank of their decision making in participating in a BOT schedule .

  6. 第四章借助DEA模型对科技企业孵化器的运行效率进行了评价,该模型运算的结果能够为运行效率不高的孵化器提供比较可靠的决策参考。

    Chapter IV evaluates operational efficiency of science and technology business incubator using DEA model . The computing results of this model can provide a more reliable decision-making for incubators which are not high about operational efficiency .

  7. 数据库系统采用microsoftSQLserver2005制作,先期开发一个模型,通过模型的运行证明,系统设计合理,对行政执法过程中的案件处理有决策参考的作用。

    Database systems use Microsoft SQL Server 2005 production , the initial development of a model , run through the model shows that system design is reasonable , the administrative law enforcement in the process of handling cases of decision making role .

  8. 探讨在电子海图中,使用GIS空间分析函数自动判断计划航线的偏航极限范围内是否存在危险点、线、面的方法,为航线设计起决策参考,在航行过程中,起实时航路监视作用。

    In this paper a method of using GIS spatial analysis function to realize detecting danger points , lines and planes within a limited region of deviation in Electronic Chart automatically so as to provide the reference for the decision making of routing design and navigation monitoring .

  9. 通过本文的研究,期望能够对KMV模型预测能力、应用范围及行业差异有更深入认识,并为投资者、金融机构和政府监管部门提供一些决策参考。

    We hope to have a better understanding of Predictive power , the scope of application 、 industry discrepancy of the KMV model , if necessary , provide some reference materials for financial institution and investor .

  10. 本文从基金公司内部管理的角度,引入因子GARCH模型度量VaR,并将因子GARCH-VaR模型应用到基金公司的风险管理中,以便给基金公司的最高管理者和风险管理委员会提供决策参考。

    From the angle of internal management of Fund Company , this paper drew VaR measurement based on Factor-GARCH model into risk management of Fund Company in order to provide the decision reference to top managers of Fund Company and Risk Management Committee .

  11. 可供领导和生产者决策参考。

    It can provide a reference for leaders and producers .

  12. 该结论为相关部门提供决策参考和依据。

    This result can give some decision reference to the relevant departments .

  13. 其研究成果期望能为晋州市城乡义务教育均衡发展提供决策参考。

    The study is hoped to provide decision-making reference to balanced CE development of Jinzhou .

  14. 为黄河三角洲的资源开发提供决策参考。

    It can provide policy decision for developing natural resources in the Yellow River delta .

  15. 本研究能够为这一伟大的社会实践提供理论支持和决策参考,具有较为强烈的现实意义。

    This research would provide theoretical support and decision making on this great social practice .

  16. 可以为区域卫生规划工作提供决策参考依据。

    They can provide decision information to the ongoing work of regional health planning in China .

  17. 希望本研究能为电力行业相关部门在加强电网项目运行风险应急能力建设方面提供决策参考。

    Hoping this study can provide decision-making for construction of emergency management of power grid project operation risk .

  18. 目的对河南省人口老龄化的现状进行分析,并提出对策建议,为政府及相关部门应对人口老龄化提供决策参考。

    Objective To explore the situation of the population aging in Henan Province and put forward measures for policy-makers .

  19. 在我国零售业态下具体实行何种共同配送模式,可依据选择共同配送模式的决策参考模型,并结合具体情况做出决定。

    How to choose co-operative distribution model depends on the decision reference model of co-operative distribution and current situation .

  20. 研究并提出了仪器设备网络化共享中数量规划的三个原则,为仪器设备的共享数量规划提供决策参考;

    Three principles for quantity planning were studied and set up , which can be helpful for sharing quantity decision ;

  21. 本文主要研究经济新闻评论的决策参考功能,研究方法为归纳法和实证法。

    The thesis major researched the decision-making reference function of economic news comment , with the induction and demonstration method .

  22. 市场细分研究的最终目的是区隔目标客户,为企业制定营销策略提供决策参考。

    The targeted aim of this study is to divide targeted customers and puts forward decision reference in marketing corporate strategies .

  23. 希望这些措施,能够为推动和谐社区建设提供理论支持和决策参考。

    Hoped that these measures adopting , can construct for the impetus harmonious community provides the theory support and the policy-making reference .

  24. 但主权信用评级作为世界投资者主要的决策参考,对于一个国家吸引外部投资意义重大。

    But sovereign credit rating as the main decision-making reference to investors , for an international to attract external investment is significant .

  25. 本文立足于对重庆市私营企业发展进行研究,寻找私营企业发展的问题,提出解决的策略,为有关部门和私营企业提供决策参考。

    The dissertation makes overall research into the Chongqing 's private-enterprise so as to provide reference for relevant organizations and the private-enterprise s.

  26. 结果表明:优化模型提高了污水处理厂优化设计结果的适用性,可对人工湿地污水处理厂的设计或方案评估提供决策参考。

    This model could increase the adaptability of wastewater treatment plant design , and provide decision-making for design of constructed wetland system .

  27. 本论文在这样的现状下为隐性知识管理具体操作层的实施提供了决策参考,有一定的理论和现实意义。

    This thesis provides references for the practical decision of tacit knowledge management in such situation , and has theoretical and realistic meaning .

  28. 本文主要从观念、教育、法制、妇女组织等方面提供决策参考。

    This thesis provides reference for deciding a policy mainly from concept , education , legal system , women organization and so on .

  29. 本研究的研究结果将为政府和市民提供一定的决策参考。

    Thus , the significance of this study is that the research findings can play a useful reference for government and the public .

  30. 该全评估方法可为政府制定经济政策提供决策参考,并为政策执行效果的整体后评价和经验总结提供科学的依据。

    The method can provide scientific evaluation references in constituting economic policy , evaluating policy performing effects , and summarizing experiences for the government .