
  1. 分析了合同能源管理业务在我国建筑节能领域发展的主要障碍,提出了可以采取的措施,指出政府、ESCO及金融机构等部门在建筑节能领域的重要作用。

    This paper illustrates the main barriers and strategies of developing Energy Management Contract in our country ′ s building energy saving field .

  2. 随着金融机构核心部门的国有化,美国自由市场信条就已经自毁,而其他国家保持全面控制的做法得到认可。

    With the nationalisation of crucial parts of the financial system , the American free-market creed has self-destructed while countries that retained overall control of markets have been vindicated .

  3. 电子商务系统,需要生产者,商店,消费者,金融机构和政府部门。

    E-Business system entails producers , stores , consumers , monetary organs and government department .

  4. 它已经成为金融机构和监管部门进行风险预测和防范的有效工具。

    This model has become an effective tool in risk prediction and prevention for financial institutions and regulation department .

  5. 但在一些金融机构和情报部门内部正在进行的一场不断升温的辩论,值得投资者关注。

    But , deep inside some financial institutions and intelligence services , a debate is bubbling that investors should watch .

  6. 这些帐户可能位于同一金融机构的不同部门,或者可能位于不同机构中。

    These accounts may be in different branches of the same financial institution , or may be in different institutions .

  7. 一些金融机构的决策部门已经对金融优化在实践中的应用提出了具体要求。

    Some decision-making department of financial institutions have put forward specific requirements about the application of Financial optimization in the practice .

  8. 证券市场风险已成为金融机构、投资部门以及广大群众关心的重要问题。

    The risk of the security market is an issue of concern to the financial institutions , investment sectors and the masses .

  9. 希望本研究可以为金融机构、监管部门管理汇率风险提供决策依据和理论参考。

    It is hoped that the research of this paper can provide decision-making basis and theoretical reference for financial institutions , exchange rate risk management institutions .

  10. 长期以来,信贷风险是金融机构和监管部门风险防范与控制的主要对象和核心内容。

    The question on how to avoid and control loan risk has long been the major concern for financial institutions and their monitoring departments all over the world .

  11. 近年来,各银行业金融机构按照监管部门的指导和要求,围绕发展农村小额贷款业务、改进三农金融服务做了大量工作,取得了明显成效。

    Financial institutions have made a lot of improvement in developing microcredit and financial service in rural areas in accordance to principals of supervising institutions , which makes notable achievements .

  12. 随着一家又一家金融机构接受公共部门的支持,财政支出日益上升但今年是大选年,为此埋单的将是下一届政府。

    As financial institution after institution accepts public sector support , the cost to the Treasury rises but this is an election year and the next administration will pay the bill .

  13. 区域创新体系作为国家创新体系的一部分,其主要由企业、科研机构、大学、中介服务机构、相应的金融机构和政府部门等构成。

    As part of national creation system , it is made up of enterprise , research institute , university , intermediary service company , proper financial organization and the government organization .

  14. VaR作为一种能度量投资组合风险的方法,已经引起了经济学家的广泛关注。并且被广泛应用到金融机构和金融监管部门,在近些年来其得到了迅猛发展。

    VaR as a means to measure portfolio risk method , has caused the wide attention of economists , and has been widely applied to financial institutions and financial supervision departments , and in recent years has a rapid development .

  15. 通过本文的研究,期望能够对KMV模型预测能力、应用范围及行业差异有更深入认识,并为投资者、金融机构和政府监管部门提供一些决策参考。

    We hope to have a better understanding of Predictive power , the scope of application 、 industry discrepancy of the KMV model , if necessary , provide some reference materials for financial institution and investor .

  16. 银行和其它金融机构正在对相关部门进行游说,反对通过以公允价值计量其所持资产的会计规则。

    Banks and other financial institutions are lobbying against fair-value accounting for their asset holdings .

  17. 二是根据个人需求,金融服务机构与政府部门应该为个人提供怎样的金融支持(包括金融资产与金融策划服务的供给)?

    To this personal financial demand , what should financial service institutions supply ( including financial assets and planning services )?

  18. 为了鼓励战略性产业的发展,日本、韩国等曾经使用差别化的再贴现政策,鼓励金融机构加大对特定部门的支持。

    To encourage the development of strategic industries , Japan and South Korea have used rediscount policy to support specific sectors by rediscounting specific bills .

  19. 如何准确辨识、测量金融风险成为了金融机构和监管部门关注的焦点。

    Financial institutions focus on identify and measure financial risk .

  20. 影子银行体系,概括的说是指游离在政策监管之外,却发挥与商业银行同样职能的非银行金融系统,其发展历程是金融机构与政府部门不断博弈的成果。

    The shadow banking system , refers to the non bank financial system which is free of the policy supervision , but playing with the commercial bank the same function . Financial institutions and government departments jointly promote the development of shadow banks .

  21. 创建金融安全区是一项社会系统工程,需要在各级政府的统一组织领导下,人民银行、金融机构、政府有关部门和新闻宣传等社会各方力量一起参与,共同防范和化解金融风险。

    Building up the financial safety area is a systemic project that needs all great efforts made by the People ′ s Bank of China , financial institutions , the related government organizations and the medium under the unified guidance by the government at all levels .