
  • 网络cumulative frequency;Cumulative Percentage
  1. 利用1982~1996年5个站点的植物群落物候观测数据和物候累积频率拟合法,划分各站逐年的植被物候季节,并确定各季节初日对应的当地归一化差值植被指数(NDVI)阈值。

    Phenological observation data of plant communities from 1982 to 1996 at 5 sites and a method for phenological cumulative frequency modeling were used to determine the beginning dates of local phenological seasons and their corresponding threshold values of normalized difference vegetation index ( NDVI ) in each year .

  2. 利用安徽省68个台站近40年的日降水资料,运用累积频率法判别分析基于日资料的极端降水事件,给出了安徽省各台站降水极端事件的阈值。

    With the cumulative frequency method the thresholds of extreme precipitation event was defined according to daily precipitation data of 68 stations in Anhui province during last 40 years .

  3. 在工程规划设计里,要求知道H2的累积频率,这项工作费时很多。

    In the design and project of an engineering , the accumulated frequency of H_ ( 2 ) is required , which takes much time .

  4. 绘制粒度概率累积频率曲线图的PC-1500计算方法

    PC-1500 computation method to construct the accumulated frequency curve of grain size probability

  5. 以相对直径作为输入向量,以株数累积频率作为输出向量,建立直径分布的BP神经网络模型;

    Using the relative diameter as input variable and using the accumulation frequency in number of trees as output variable , the paper constructs the neural network model of tree diameter distribution .

  6. CLIGEN很好地模拟出连续降水的频率,但是连续干旱天数在20d以内的累积频率的平均相对误差为8.9%;

    The frequencies of wet periods were relatively well replicated by the model , while the frequencies of dry periods less than 20 days have an average relative error of 8.9 % .

  7. 节水潜力随累积频率的增大而减小。

    With the accumulated frequency increasing , the water-saving potential is reduced .

  8. 该方法能以累积频率曲线的形式直观地对任意性能水平下不同控制系统的鲁棒性能进行比较;

    The method quantifies the system robustness based on cumulative frequency curves .

  9. 根据累积频率(概率)点绘散点图,确定其大致形状,再选取合适的曲线来拟合。

    According to the scatter plots , the shape more or less is determined to choose an appropriate curve to fit them .

  10. 半月降雨侵蚀力占年侵蚀力的累积频率表,为估算土壤侵蚀方程中土壤可蚀性因子和植被覆盖&管理因子提供了基础。

    The percentage table of rainfall erosivity for a half month period was used to calculate soil erodibility and vegetation coverage factors .

  11. 基于533年旱涝指数场序列,采用了滑动累积频率法用于降水序列重建工作,并选用了3种不同均值用于序列重建试验,得到了1499~2002年共504年连续的滑动平均降水场序列。

    Based on the 533 year dryness and wetness grades series , the Moving Cumulative Frequency Method ( MCFM ) was developed , and a moving average precipitation field series from 1499 to 2002 was reconstructed .

  12. 从不同的方法来看,各种方法互有优缺点,如标准化方法不适应于人为影响很严重的区域,相对累积频率曲线法适用于有明显点源污染的区域。

    From a different point of view , each method has advantages and disadvantages , such as the normalization method is not suited to serious polluted region , while the relative cumulative frequency curves is suitable to regions which have significant point source pollution .

  13. 同时,根据试验结果和理论分析得到,碎裂粒子的累积频率分布也符合指数分布,并给出了用指数分布系数求解碎块的碎裂概率的理论计算公式。

    Based on the test result and theoretical analysis , it is pointed out that the accumulative frequency of particle size distribution has feature of exponential law . The formula for calculating the friable possibility of rock blocks by using exponential coefficient is also presented .

  14. 多信号极化与到达角估计算法一种小运算量累积量域频率和到达角估计算法

    Angles of Arrival and Polarizations Estimation A New DFT Domain Cumulants-Based Algorithm for the Joint-Estimation of Frequency and DOA of Spatial Signal

  15. 利用概率累积曲线与频率曲线分析浙江省平湖县乡村聚落群的聚落组成特点,初步认为本区聚落群由发展聚落、现存聚落、残遗聚落所组成。

    The constitution of rural settlements group in Pinghu County is demonstrated with probability accumulation curves and frequency curves , and it is set forth that the settlements group in this county consist of the developing settlements , the existing settlements and the survival settlements .

  16. 将接收信号的累积量和瞬时频率统计量作为分类特征参数,并利用支持向量机作为分类器对其进行分级调制分类。

    The method uses cumulants and simultaneous frequency statistical moments of the received signals as the features and support vector machines as the classifiers .

  17. 研究了基于四阶累积量的到达频率差估计算法,并给出了该算法的离散实现方法。

    A Frequency-Delay of Arrival ( FDOA ) estimation algorithm based on Fourth-Order Cumulant is discussed . The realization of the algorithm is given .