
  • 网络total flow;integrated flux;Traffic
  1. 运用有限元软件CFX分析了无阀泵的动态工作过程及无阀泵的瞬时流量、累积流量随驱动幅值和驱动频率等参数的变化规律。

    The dynamic working process of valve-less micropumps and the variation rule of mass flow and accumulative mass flow under different amplitude and frequencies are analyzed with CFX .

  2. 累积流量曲线在水质模拟中的应用

    Application of Accumulate Flow Curve in Water Quality Simulation

  3. 回归分析法在累积流量测量中的应用

    Application of regression analysis method in integrated flow measurement

  4. 累积流量坐标系下河流二维水质模型流管划分技术研究

    Research on Stream Tube Division Technology for 2D Water Quality Model Under Accumulative Flux Coordinate System

  5. 运用流量计系数修正瞬时流量与累积流量误差,能显著提高管道泄漏检测定位精度。

    Revising the error between transient flow and integrated flow with flow coefficient can increase positioning accuracy in pipeline leakage detection evidently .

  6. 在非定点使用标准表的标准装置中,进行累积流量的测量时要用到流量计的仪表系数。

    In standard device using non-fixed point calibration scale , flow meter 's instrument system will be involved in integrated flow measurement .

  7. 设计合理的效率衡量参数,本文使用了累积流量这个简单量来对疏散效率进行衡量。

    Design an effectiveness measurement factor . In this paper , we use cumulative flow to measure the effectiveness of an evacuation plan . 3 .

  8. 并且用来检定煤气表,记录煤气表的瞬时流量、累积流量和基本误差,最后自动打印上述各项检定参数。

    Its functions include verification of gasometer , recording of instantaneous flowrate , cumulative flowrate and basic error of gasometer , and automatic printing of above-mentioned verification parameters .

  9. 可以与多种脉冲信号输出的流量变送器配套使用,精确地测量液体、气体和蒸汽等流体介质的瞬时流量、累积流量和质量流量。

    Connected with flow transducer outputting impulsive signal , it can measure the instant flow , accumulative flow , mass flow of the liquid , the gas or the vapour .

  10. 氧同位素研究对于示踪流体-岩石相互作用过程中流体的时间累积流量(或流体/岩石比)、流动方向和组成具有重要意义。

    Oxygen isotope studies play an important role in tracing the time integrated fluxes ( or fluid / rock ratio ), flow directions and sources of fluid during fluid rock interactions .

  11. 在用累积流量法模拟计算水库型河流水动力水质时,应当用实际测流结果来绘制各计算断面累积流量曲线。

    When accumulative flow method was used to model water quality or dynamics of river with dams , field velocity data should be available to calculate accumulated flow curve of various cross sections .

  12. 利用这种方法求得的流量计的仪表系数,由于减少了人为的误差,因此,大大提高了计算整个累积流量测量过程总液量的准确度,同时提高了工作效率。

    The instrument coefficient of flow meter given by the method reduces personnel error , thus greatly rises calculation accuracy on total liquid amount during overall integrated flow measurement and raises working efficiency at the same time .

  13. SAP32例,CVVH治疗用高置换液流量、累积血流量最大、10~48小时为1次的间歇治疗方法,以APACHEⅡ评分为观察指标;

    32 cases with SAP were received intermittent CVVH treatment by a high volume way , in which accumulated hemofiltration volume always reaches the maximum , 10 to 48-hour as a course , APACHE ⅱ scores were measured ;

  14. 秸秆覆盖可有效地降低累积径流量和总侵蚀量,增加累积入渗量;

    Straw covering could decreased cumulated runoff and sediment and increased infiltration in the same time .

  15. 在室内降雨模拟试验条件下,研究暴雨径流中农田氮素养分流失及施肥处理的影响。结果表明,农田暴雨径流氮养分的流失量与累积径流量成正相关;

    Rainfall simulation experiment was performed to evaluate nitrogen losses from farmland and show the effect of fertilizer application on nitrogen concentration and losses of runoff .

  16. 不同雨型条件下,各降雨强度对坡面径流量、侵蚀产沙量的贡献率明显不同;坡面累积径流量和累积侵蚀量随降雨历时的延长而递增,但是增涨幅度不同。

    The contribution of rainfall intensity on runoff and soil loss was different under different rainfall patterns . Cumulative runoff and soil loss increased with rainfall duration continued , however , the growth rate of different period was various . 3 .

  17. 将累积轮廓、流量和周期三个重要特征应用于X射线脉冲星信号检测中,提出基于Bayesian估计的时域检测方法。

    In this paper , characteristics of integrated profile , flux intensity and periodic are used in X-ray pulsar detecting , and a time domain method based on Bayesian estimation is proposed .

  18. 沿线水稻、小麦籽粒中重金属的累积受到车流量、风向、土壤性质、重金属有效态含量等因素的综合影响,不同重金属元素累积的最主要的影响因素各有不同。

    The accumulation of heavy metals in roadside rice and wheat was affected by the traffic density , wind direction , soil properties , and available contents .

  19. 垄沟种植方式较对照可提早出苗3~4天,在生长后期表现出一定的生长优势(株高、叶片光合作用、干物质累积、伤流量等方面)。

    Seedling the mode of furrow seeding with film ( FF ) was earlier 3 ~ 4d than non-mulched , and advantage of growth ( such as plant height , photosynthesis , accumulation of dry matter , and Stem cut juice from root ) appeared in late stage .

  20. 由于烟气再循环的累积效应以及烟气流量减小,烟气中NOX和SO2的浓度大幅增加,燃料氮和硫的转化率下降,这主要是由于烟气再循环过程中NOX与炉膛内煤粉的反应引起的。

    Because of the accumulation effect and less flue gas flux in FGR combustion , NOX and SO2 concentration in flue gas significantly increased . The conversion rate of fuel-N decreased , due to that NOX reacts with coal during FGR process .

  21. 日累积降雨量与日累积径流量有极显著的正相关关系。

    The linear relationship between daily discharge and precipitation was significant .

  22. 用无量纲累积污染物量与累积径流量的比值方法分析初始冲刷效应,发现屋面径流初始冲刷比较明显。

    The analysis of the first flush in dimensionless cumulative method indicated that the first flush was evident for roof runoff .

  23. 流量积算仪采集4~20mA的流速、压力和温度信号,计算出实时的标准状况流量,然后对流量进行累积计算,通过液晶显示屏显示实时流量、累积流量、温度、压力以及历史流量。

    The flow calculator transfers the flow rate , pressure , temperature analogue signal to digital , then calculates the real time flow in standard condition and cumulates the flow . The real time flow , cumulate flow , history flow , pressure and temperature are displayed on the LCD .