
  • 网络tropic tide;tropical tide
  1. 面对国内市场出现的国货老品牌的回归潮,研究老品牌的信任机制对于促进其可持续发展意义重大。

    Many national old brands are observed to return in recent years . A study of the trust mechanism of old brand has great significance in promoting the sustainable development of the old brand .

  2. 第二次世界大战以后,德国经历了三次大的外国移民潮:客籍工人潮、回归移民潮和难民潮,最终使德国成为事实上的非典型意义的移民国家。

    And after the World War ⅱ, Germany has experienced three times of large immigration including the tides of foreign workers , return emigrators and refugees , which has finally made Germany a state of immigration on a non-typical sense .

  3. 结合感潮河段非平稳时间序列的动态特性,引入ARIMA模型、基于遗传算法的门限自回归模型对感潮河段的水文序列成功的进行了预报尝试。

    Combined with analyzing the dynamic characteristics of non-stable hydrologic time sequences of tidal rivers , The ARIMA model and TAR model based on genetic algorithm are both excerpted into the prediction field of the tidal rivers successfully .

  4. 遗传门限自回归模型在感潮河段水位预测中的应用

    Application of genetic threshold auto-regressive model to water stage forecasting for tidal river section

  5. 多项式回归方法能把握潮滩海岸三维形态的总趋势,忽略全部次一级形态特征;

    The Polynomical Regression method can well reflect the general trend of the 3 dimensional form of the tidal flat coast , neglecting the secondary chromatography features ;