
  • 网络tidal harmonic constants;harmonic tidal constant;harmonic constant of tide
  1. 利用1993~1999年期间的T/P测高数据计算了东中国海11个潮汐调和常数值,其振幅精度优于±4cm;

    The harmonic constants of eleven constituents over East China Sea are calculated using T / P satellite altimeter data during 1993 1999 , and the accuracy of estimated amplitudes is better than ± 4 cm .

  2. 模拟所得的潮汐调和常数同实测值相比,误差较小。

    The error of tidal harmonic constant in simulation is slight as compared with the observed value .

  3. 本文给出了由高、低潮数据计算潮汐调和常数和由最大流速及转流数据计算潮流调和常数的方法。

    With the application of electronic computers , the extraction of harmonic constants from high and low waters becomes an extremely simple process compared with Doodson 's technique .

  4. 潮汐非调和常数的计算方法&Ⅰ.原理

    A Method for Calculating Tidal Nonharmonic Constants & I. The Derivation of Formulae

  5. 潮汐非调和常数对于港工建设、航运和军事活动等非常重要。

    The nonharmonic constants of tide are important to harbour engineering , shipment and military affairs .

  6. 用8个潮汐观测站和26个锚碇浮标资料,对计算出的潮汐和潮流调和常数进行检验,证明了本研究结果的合理性。

    The data collected at 8 tide stations and 26 moored buoy stations were used for verifying the computed tide and tidal current harmonic constants to prove the rationality of the study results .