
  • 网络a job interview;employment interview
  1. 求职面试是一个非常不自然的场面。

    A job interview is a very artificial situation .

  2. 我遇见她时,她刚参加完一场求职面试回来。

    When I met her , she had just returned from a job interview

  3. 他是3个来参加求职面试的人选之一。

    He was among the three candidates interviewed for the job .

  4. 她抓住了一次求职面试的机会。

    She grabbed the chance of a job interview

  5. 因此,如果你在求职面试前夕感觉特别焦虑,那么就不要奇怪你的潜意识唤醒了那个数学考试的可怕旧梦。

    So , if you 're feeling extra anxious in the days leading up to a job interview , don 't be surprised if your subconscious13 revives that old math test nightmare .

  6. 参议员,您现在在Google,我想,把总统之职作为一个求职面试。

    Now senator , you 're here at Google and I like to think of the presidency as a job interview .

  7. 研究人员拍下了攻读MBA的学生去假装求职面试的大致过程。

    Researchers videotaped a cadre of second-year MBA students as they pretended to interview for a job .

  8. 当贾斯汀巴西特参加求职面试时,他以为会被问到工作经验、推荐信等常规问题,因此当被问到Facebook用户名和密码时,他大吃一惊。

    When Justin Bassett interviewed for a new job , he expected the usual questions about experience and references . So he was astonished when the interviewer asked for something else : his Facebook username and password .

  9. 1969年,凯恩到贝尔斯登接受求职面试,与明星股票交易员艾伦•艾斯•格林伯格(AlanAceGreenberg)见面。贝尔斯登1985年上市时,这位交易员已成为董事长兼首席执行官。

    He was interviewed for a job at Bear in 1969 , meeting Alan Ace Greenberg , a star stock trader who would become chairman and chief executive when Bear went public in 1985 .

  10. Gelberg说,“在一次求职面试前,每个人都应该做功课,但是外向的人通常不会”。

    " Everyone should do their homework before a job interview , but extroverts usually don 't ," observes Gelberg .

  11. 拥有一个优质的代表作是你求职面试的一大笔财富。

    Having a quality portfolio is great asset for job interviews !

  12. 金尼:我刚刚出席了求职面试。

    Ginnie : I 've just been for a job interview .

  13. 第一次求职面试时我紧张得心头砰砰直跳。

    My heart bounded with nervousness during my first job interview .

  14. 感谢收看“求职面试怎样得体着装”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Dress For A Job Interview

  15. 《21世纪英文报》:学生们如何才能在求职面试中表现出色呢?

    21st : How can students perform better during job interviews ?

  16. 在求职面试中,我怎样才能做到自信而不过分呢?

    How can I be confident without coming across as cocky ?

  17. 在求职面试中,应聘者在握手时的表现或许至关重要。

    An applicant 's handshake may be crucial at a job interview .

  18. 许多女性在求职面试时往往对自己评价太低。

    Many women have a tendency to undersell themselves in job interviews .

  19. 在接受求职面试时,要毛遂自荐。

    You have to sell yourself at a job interview .

  20. 感谢收看《求职面试:你的缺点是什么?》视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video Job Interviews : What Are Your Weaknesses ?

  21. 还记得你经历过最重要的求职面试吗?

    Remember the most important job interview you ever had ?

  22. 感谢收看求职面试怎样得体着装视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Dress For A Job Interview .

  23. 担心求职面试的时候怎样穿衣?

    Worried about what to wear to a job interview ?

  24. 参加求职面试时的着装一定要得体,一定要自信。

    Dress approriately and be confident for a job interview .

  25. 我星期二下午有个求职面试。

    I 've got a job interview on Tuesday afternoon .

  26. 感谢收看“求职面试怎样着装”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video What To Wear For A Job Interview .

  27. 也许是求职面试,真是令人紧张。

    Maybe a job interview , it 's really intense .

  28. 他今天早上要去参加求职面试。

    He 's attending a job interview this morning .

  29. 求职面试语言的语境分析

    Analysis on Languages in the Context of Job Interview

  30. 护理大专班增设求职面试课初探

    Course up for Nursing Junior College to Job Interview