
qiú shén bài fó
  • pray to Buddha for help
求神拜佛[qiú shén bài fó]
  1. 尽管宗教狂热在农村风靡一时,但也并非所有的人都求神拜佛,搞那些古老的迷信。

    The religious zeal in the villages mounted high , but not all the farmers reverted to ancient superstitions and not all prayed to Heaven .

  2. 他们就不得不求神拜佛希望大鲨鱼和杰梅因奥尼尔常规赛结束前和季后赛一直保持健康。

    They are gonna have to depends on Shaquille O'Neil and Jermaine O'Neil to stay healthy for the rest of the season and into the playoffs .

  3. 最近几年,许多人开始祈祷事业高升,财源滚滚,而不是求神拜佛,他们身体健康,长命百岁,家庭美满。

    In recent times , many people have started praying for a career promotion or more money instead of invoking God or the Buddha for a healthy and long life and the welfare of their family .