
jǐng bèi
  • garrison;guard
警备 [jǐng bèi]
  • [guard] 军队对驻防地区实行警卫和守备

  • 高度警备

警备[jǐng bèi]
  1. 海岸警备队把营救小队分驻在沿海一带。

    The coast guard bases rescue units along the ocean shores .

  2. 美国海岸警备队的溢油鉴别系统

    US Coast Guard 's Oil Spill Identification System

  3. 首都加强了警备,准备迎接总统的到来。

    Security tightened in the capital in readiness for the president 's arrival .

  4. 协议将允许把叛军收编入一支新的国家警备部队。

    The agreement would allow the rebels to be incorporated into a new national police force

  5. 这一行政区和警备区的名称都是“三沙”,其出处是南沙群岛(SpratlyIslands)、西沙群岛(ParacelIslands)以及中沙群岛(MacclesfieldBank)的中文名称。

    Sansha , the name of the district and garrison , is a reference to the Chinese names of the Spratly and Paracel archipelagos and the Macclesfield Bank .

  6. 系统而详尽地介绍了美国海岸警备队(USCG)对船舶检查的特点,以及船舶为适应USCG要求而应该采取的对策。

    This article expatiates on the characteristics of USCG inspection and the countermeasures for ocean-going vessels to deal with the inspection .

  7. 据NPR新闻的埃莉诺·比尔兹利报道,尼日尔目前已加强警备阻止移民运送的行为,上周,有92具试图采取相同路线的移民者的尸体被发现。

    As NPR 's Eleanor Beardsley reports Niger 's now on alert to stop migrants convoys after the bodies of 92 migrants who attempted to the same passage were found last week .

  8. 这支部队隶属市警备区。

    This unit is under the command of the municipal garrison .

  9. 有一艘警备舰已从土伦港开出来。

    A Guardship had just quit the port of toulon .

  10. 他们表示可以为我们提供警备人员,但父亲对此持保留态度。

    They offered us guards but my father was reluctant .

  11. 柔石和另外23个人都在龙华警备司令部被枪杀了。

    Rou Shi and twenty-three others were shot at the Longhua garrison headquarters .

  12. “我说你们警备部是些脓包吗?”

    " Didn 't I say that your police were good for nothing ?"

  13. 珠宝生产地点有没有警备人员巡查?

    Are there security guards in place at locations where jewelry is produced ?

  14. 特别是这些天来加强警备。

    Especially with the heavy security these days .

  15. 帮派分子昨晚包围警备总部。

    Gangsters surrounded the police headquarters last night .

  16. 这家伙,居然和警备主任的电脑直接相连

    This guy linked to Security Director 's computer

  17. 前塞诺比亚皇家警备队的队长。

    Former captain of the Zenobian Royal Guard .

  18. 防火警备员经常发现未完全熄灭的营火。

    The fire guards often find campfires that have not been put out completely .

  19. 阿根廷海岸警备队震惊地发现,冰山群正沿着大西洋海岸漂移。

    The Argentina coast guard was astonished to find icebergs floating along the Atlantic coast .

  20. 治安警备力量进入了警戒状态。

    Security forces were placed on alert .

  21. 且都不是警备用枪

    Neither is a police gun .

  22. 社区警备工作探索

    A Probe into the Community Policing

  23. 城镇警备兵是武器低劣的轻装部队,主要用于防御道路桥梁,以及支持精锐部队作战。

    Poorly armed light troops expected to guard bridges and roads and support the heavier troops .

  24. 海岸警备队给他们穿的衣服。

    Coast Guard dresses them up .

  25. 警备区驻军已得到加强。

    The garrison has been renewed .

  26. 接收材料和/或载运材料的地点有没有警备人员巡查?

    Are there security guards in place at locations where material is received and / or shipped ?

  27. 韩国表示,北韩警备艇撤退前在冲突中严重受创。

    South Korea says the North Korean patrol boat suffered heavy damage in the exchange before retreating .

  28. 我只是想消磨一些时间,等着海岸警备队来拖我的船。

    I need to kill some time before the Coast Guard gets here to tow my boat .

  29. 中国上月在南海组建一个新的警备区之举,震惊邻国。

    China last month shocked its neighbours by establishing a new military garrison in the South China Sea .

  30. 警备队长阿基列斯·里十多上尉实际上掌握了民政大权。

    Captain Aquiles Ricardo , the commander of the garrison , took over the exercise of municipal power .