
jǐnɡ dū
  • Superintendent;police supervisor
  1. 大都会警察局渴望在其新任警督伯纳德·霍根豪的领导下打开一个新的局面。

    THE Metropolitan Police is eager to make a fresh start under its new commissioner , Bernard Hogan-Howe .

  2. 雅加达警察局刑事案件分局局长、高级警督克里施纳·穆尔提在接受《雅加达邮报》采访时表示:“我们联系了澳大利亚联邦警察局,因为我们需要一些信息。”

    We have contacted the Australian Federal Police because we need some information , ' the head of Jakarta Police general crime division , Senior Commander Khrisna Murti , told the Jakarta Post .