
jǐng wèi
  • guard;(security) guard;bodyguard;askari
警卫 [jǐng wèi]
  • [(security) guard] 武装警戒、保卫,也指执行警戒保卫任务的人员

警卫[jǐng wèi]
  1. 他假扮警卫被抓获。

    He was caught trying to impersonate a security guard .

  2. 建筑物外设了一名警卫。

    A guard was posted outside the building .

  3. 我们悄悄说话,以免惊醒警卫。

    We spoke quietly for fear of waking the guards .

  4. 警卫受命不得擅离岗位。

    The guards were ordered not to leave their posts .

  5. 他们投诉警卫对他们动粗了。

    They complained of rough handling by the guards .

  6. 她在武装警卫护送下离开法庭。

    She left the courtroom flanked by armed guards .

  7. 警卫们穿着那种制服看起来怪模怪样的。

    That uniform makes the guards look absurd .

  8. 进去后,一名警卫把他们引向了右边。

    Inside , a guard directed them to the right .

  9. 他说警卫会无缘无故殴打他们。

    The guards , he said , would punch them for no reason

  10. 一名银行警卫开枪击中了他的大腿,使他受伤倒地。

    A bank guard shot him in the leg and downed him .

  11. 只有一名穿制服的无聊警卫可能偷听到了他们的谈话。

    Only a uniformed guard stultified with boredom might have overheard them .

  12. 警卫在拆除一段围栏好让它通过。

    The guards were removing a section of fencing to let it through .

  13. 平台上的警卫吹响了哨子。

    On the platform , the guard blew his whistle

  14. 一名警卫用眩晕枪击中了他。

    A guard zapped him with the stun gun .

  15. 她在警卫的护送下上了飞机尾部的舷梯。

    She was shepherded by her guards up the rear ramp of the aircraft .

  16. 两名配枪警卫在城墙上巡逻。

    Two guards with sidearms patrolled the wall .

  17. 他们的车队在武装警卫的护送下行进。

    They travel in convoy with armed guards .

  18. 10名警卫一起才将他制服。

    It took ten guardsmen to overpower him

  19. 警卫不让她进去。

    The sentry would not let her enter

  20. 警卫队长看上去似乎想向他们挑战。

    The captain of the guard looked as if he had a mind to challenge them

  21. 一个警卫正在吹警笛。

    A guard was blowing his whistle .

  22. 那两名警卫被人勒死了。

    The two guards had been garrotted .

  23. 警卫放开了他的胳膊。

    The guards loosed his arms .

  24. 一名警卫来记了我们的名字,还记下了我们每个人的座位。

    A guard came and took our names and noted where each of us was sitting .

  25. 一个态度粗暴、工作死板的人叫了警卫。

    A surly jobsworth alerted security .

  26. 解雇老警卫、再训练年轻警卫取而代之并不是件容易的事。

    It will not be easy to winkle out the old guard and train younger replacements .

  27. “他希望有警卫护送。”——“那他是指望不上了。”

    ' He wants a police escort . ' — ' Well , he can whistle for that . '

  28. 她们想找他要个签名,但是被警卫拦住了。

    Their attempt to get a signature from him was frustrated by the guards .

  29. 他企图贿赂警卫而逃走。

    He tried to escape by bribing the guard .

  30. 这些黄金在武装警卫的护运下安全运达银行保险库。

    The gold was reached the bank 's vault under convoy of armed guards .