
  • 网络Political Research;Political Studies;Politics Studies
  1. 一种以统一政治学研究中的价值理论与经验科学为目标。

    And the third targets value theory and empirical science of unified political studies .

  2. 实证方法在政治学研究中的限度&以行为主义政治学为例

    The Limits of Positivism Method in Political Research & Behavioralism as an Example

  3. 国家历来是政治学研究的主题。

    State issues have always been a central theme in political science .

  4. 我国政治学研究方法的审视

    A Survey of the Chinese Research Method of Political Science

  5. 主题、类型和规范:国内政治学研究的状况分析&以近十年复印报刊资料《政治学》中的论文为对象

    Analyse on the Status of Political Science Research in China

  6. 试论高等学校内部领导管理体制的构建&一个政治学研究的视角

    Construction of Internal Leadership Management System of Universities and Colleges

  7. 西方比较政治学研究范式的分析与批判

    Critical Analysis on the Research Paradigm of Western Comparative Politics

  8. 科学的研究方法是政治学研究得以发展的基础。

    The scientific research method of politics guarantees the development of political research .

  9. 近年来国外政治学研究成果评析

    A Review on the Achievements of Political Science Research Abroad in Recent Years

  10. 论当代中国政治学研究的困惑与出路

    Confusion and Solutions in Contemporary Chinese Political Science Research

  11. 加强中国对外政策的政治学研究

    Reinforcing Politics Studies of China 's Foreign Policies

  12. 权威与秩序是政治学研究的重点问题。

    Authority and order is the focus of the study of political science issues .

  13. 中国政治学研究对新制度经济学的借鉴

    The Reform of New Institutional Economics Made by the Study of china 's Political Science

  14. 科举制与社会稳定的政治学研究

    On China 's Imperial Examinations and the Social Stability from the Perspective of Political Science

  15. 制度规则一直都是政治学研究的重要议题之一。

    The institution has always been one of the important issues in study of politics .

  16. 试论政治学研究中的利益分析方法

    The Interest Analysis Method in Political Science

  17. 女性主义与国际政治学研究

    On the Study of Ecological Politics

  18. 制度分析与行为分析相结合代表了政治学研究的新方向。

    The combination of systematic analysis and behavioral analysis represents a new orientation in political research .

  19. 政治学研究在任何社会都是为本社会的政治统治服务的。这就是政治学的研究方向。

    Political science serves the political ruling of the society , which is the direction of political science studies .

  20. 我相信,政治学研究中不带偏颇与好恶的传统,就如同一棵脆弱的植株。

    The tradition of detached and disinterested study of politics is , I believe , a very delicate plant .

  21. 因此,政党和政党制度研究就成为现代政治学研究的重要内容。

    For this reason , the research of party and party institution become an important content of modern political science .

  22. 加强国际问题的政治学研究,始终是国际关系学科研究的重要方向。

    One of the main directions of the studies of international relations is to analyze international issues from political perspective .

  23. 20世纪中期,生态学基本理论和研究方法开始被应用到政治学研究中。

    Mid-20th century , ecology , basic theory and research methods in political science began to be applied to the study .

  24. 许多学者认为构建公民文化是面向21世纪中国政治学研究的主题。

    Many scholars believe that the construction of civil culture is the theme of the 21st century-oriented research on Chinese politics .

  25. 乡土社会中的权威模式及其变迁一直是社会学、政治学研究的主题之一。

    The model and development of the authority in rural society is always one of the focuses of the sociology and the politics .

  26. 国家与社会的关系是政治学研究的永恒课题,马克思恩格斯对此有着深入的研究。

    The relation of nation and society is the eternal subject of political science research . Marx and Engels went into this research deeply .

  27. 亚里士多德的治乱执政理论不仅对政治学研究具有重要的指导意义,而且对我们构建社会主义和谐社会也提供了很好的思想教益。

    Aristotle 's revolution governance theory performs a directive function in both the research of political science and the construction of Chinese harmonious socialist society .

  28. 以有利于推动该问题的研究向纵深发展,并对目前国内政治学研究方法的革新尽一份微薄之力。

    This is beneficial to drive further development of research on this problem as well as provide some reference for innovation of research methods of political science .

  29. 出于对传统政治学研究方式的不满,早期行为主义政治学在研究方法和内容上发生重大转变。

    Because of the dissatisfaction towards the research methods of traditional politics , the early behavioralism politics made some drastic changes in terms of research methods and contents .

  30. 当前中国政治学研究的最大难题是学科界限的模糊性和不确定性,根本矛盾是人文与科学之间的冲突。

    The main problem of today 's Chinese politics research is uncertainty and indeterminacy of its discipline boundary , which lies in the conflict between humanity and sciences .