
  • 网络structure
  1. 最后分析了淮南生态市建设SEIA的主要内容:土地利用规划、产业政策结构调整以及各项战略的环境影响评价,为生态市建设SEIA提供方法和技术支持。

    Finally , it analyzed the main contents of SEIA in constructing the ecological city of Huainan : the land utilization plan , the industrial policy structure adjustment and every strategies on the environment impact assessment , which provided the methods and skills for the ecological city construction .

  2. 与此相适应,内生增长产生了一组新的政策结构。

    Relatively , the internal caused increase brings about the emergence of a group of new policy structure .

  3. 欧洲经济政策结构评述

    On the Framework of European Economic Policy

  4. 第2章介绍了对外直接投资的目标选择理论、政策结构分析理论,并从博弈的角度分析了对外直接投资政策;

    Chapter 2 recommends the theory of object-choosing and analyzes the FDI theory on the base of the game theory .

  5. 然而,合理的图书馆政策结构起码应具备三个要件,即有序化、分级控制与严格的组合秩序。

    A rational structure of library policies should possess three conditions , namely systematization , classification control and strict combination order .

  6. 就业优先的货币政策结构效应,是指在货币政策上追求一种通过支持经济结构的调整和优化达到使就业最大化的效果。

    The structural effect of Employment-prior Monetary Policy means that an employment maximized effect through supporting of the adjustment and optimization of economic structure by monetary policy .

  7. 建立目标并联的、二元稳定的粮食政策结构、利用农产品期货市场破解订单农业发展的风险难题。

    Found the grain policy structure of connectible aim and steady'two dualism ' and make use of futures market to solve the venture of order form agriculture 's development .

  8. 更为重要的是,欧元将促进欧元区内市场结构和政策结构的一致性,从而为欧洲经济的持续增长奠定稳固的基础。

    Furthermore , Euro could promote the cohesion between market structure and policy structure in the " Euro Zone ", so that to lay down a solid foundation for the sustainable development of European economic .

  9. 不同政府教育支出结构促进经济增长的效率不同,因此政府教育支出政策结构应该符合目前经济发展水平对劳动力的需求,才能有效地促进经济增长。

    Different government education expenditure structure decides the efficiency of economic growth , so the design of government education expenditure structure should be in accordance with the demand for labor , in order to effectively promote the economic effective growth .

  10. 中东水资源专题讨论会(政策和结构问题)

    Symposium on Water Resources in the Middle East ( Policy and Institutional Aspects )

  11. 积极运用税收政策促进结构调整和产业升级

    Utilizing the Revenue Policy actively to Promote Structure Adjustment and Update & Upgrade Industry

  12. 论货币政策的结构调整职能

    The Industrial Restructuring Function of Monetary Policy

  13. 因知识转移过程具有非随机性,母公司能够设计各种内部政策、结构对转移过程进行管理。

    Knowledge transferring is not a random process , so the parent corporation can design various internal policies and structures to manage the process .

  14. 其根源在于人口变化、贫困、市场失灵、经济政策与结构和发展模式及偏好等五个方面。

    It rooted in five aspects : demographic changes , poverty , market and government failure , economic policies and structures , development patterns and preferences .

  15. 论述了制订住宅全装修产业政策的结构转换、规模经济及技术开发理论依据。

    Discussed to establish the residence whole-decoration industrialization the structure conversion , the scale economy and the technique development theories of the industry policy according to .

  16. 内部会计控制作为重要的内部控制措施,是完善公司治理结构的具体政策和结构。

    As one of the important internal control methods , the internal accounting control is the concrete policy and structure to perfect the company governance structure ;

  17. 政府是一套制订和执行政策的结构,是在一定领土上对一定人民具有约束力的权威。

    Government is a set of structure for drafting and enforcing policies , and is also an authority of binding force to certain people on certain realm .

  18. 最后通过上述定性和定量分析,提出石家庄市现代物流发展政策体系结构、具体的政策建议和保障措施。

    Finally , based on the qualitative and quantitative analysis , Proposed the architecture of modern logistics development policy , specific policy recommendations and Security Measures of Shijiazhuang City .

  19. 在选择性货币政策即结构政策调控房地产市场价格有效性的研究中,侧重分析了不动产信用控制与优惠利率对我国房价走势的深远影响。

    In the studies of the selective monetary policy : focused on the significant implications of the real estate credit control and preferential interest rates on the real estate prices .

  20. 文章指出:我国国际收支双顺差的不平衡问题是制度、政策、结构和特定发展阶段所形成的,具有一定的长期性、客观性和趋势性。

    The imbalance of double surpluses in China 's payments of balance is the result of the combined force of the country 's system , policy , structure and certain development stage .

  21. 本文在对海洋环境政策进行结构分析的基础上,从政府与企业关系的角度,对海洋环境治理的政策选择模式进行了具体分析。

    This paper investigates the structure of marine environmental policy and presents a concrete analysis of the policy choice mode of marine environment governance in view of the relationship between government and enterprise .

  22. 对于供求结构失衡的现状,应出台开征物业税等相关政策控制结构供求不合理的现象。

    Regarding the supply and demand structure unbalance present situation , should appear to begin levying taxes the property tax and so on the correlation policy control structure supply and demand unreasonable phenomena .

  23. 公民的政策职能结构偏好提示,扩大我国公共政策制定中的公民有序参与,应以利益型参与和责任型参与为先导。

    From the preference of citizens ' policy function structure , the participation of benefit type and responsibility type shall be leading in scaling up citizen participation in formulation of public policies orderly .

  24. 此外,论文还分析了政策网络结构的开放度和集成度对婚检政策变迁的影响。

    In addition , this paper takes the degree of openness and integration of the policy network structure as the important factors and goes further to analysis changes of the premarital medical examination policy .

  25. 针对上述实证分析得出的结论,本文从总量政策、结构调整、制度保障提出了优化陕西省财政支出以促进其经济增长的对策建议。

    After analyzing the empirical result , the thesis eventually presents some suggestions and advice of expenditure optimization to promote economic development , including total expenditure policy , structure readjusting , and system foundation .

  26. 香港金管局在一份将在今年年底前实施的指引草案中表示,相关银行需在2010年年底前全面调整其“设计不当的薪酬政策和结构”。

    In a draft proposal set to be implemented by the end of the year , the HKMA said banks had until the end of 2010 to overhaul " poorly designed remuneration policies and structures " .

  27. 同时,根据国家德育政策文件结构,将德育政策的文本内容分为德育目标与价值取向、德育内容与实施、德育管理与保障三个块面进行分析。

    Meanwhile , the content of policy text is classified into moral education aims , value orientation , moral content and implementation , moral education administration and support according to the structure of national moral educational policy documents .

  28. 然而,由于受国家财力的约束,我国农业国内支持水平总体上一直偏低,且存在着绿箱政策支持结构不合理与黄箱政策补贴效果差等问题。

    China agricultural domestic support policies , however , were still on the low level as a whole due to the financial constraints , and there were some problems such as irrational support structure of green box policies and low subsidy efficiency of amber box policies .

  29. 用于支撑本文案例分析所呈现的问题的普遍性与客观性。最后,针对研究结论,本文从公共政策的结构要素与公共政策制定过程两方面提出了改进建议。

    Designed to support the case analysis in this paper presents the universality of the problem and objectivity . Finally , to the research conclusion , this paper gives the improving suggestions from two aspects , the public policy structure elements and public policy formulation process .

  30. 中央政府地方政府基层组织的政策执行结构赋予中间层次(地方政府)以特殊区位优势,从文本形态的中央政策计划到现实形态的基层政策效果充满着地方政府层次上的意义建构逻辑。

    The policy implementation structure from central government to local government to grassroots organization endowed the Intermediate level ( local governments ) a special location advantages . The central policy plan translated into the real grass-roots policy effects filled with the meaning construction logic of the local government level .