
  • 网络arbitrary item
  1. 将众多的JN函数归纳为一个,发展了它的变态形式,并导出了JN函数级数形式的任意项系数的递推公式。

    We reduce the many original JN functions to one , expand it to modified form , and derive their characteristics .

  2. 利用新的方法证明文献[1,2]中的AbelDini定理,并用反例验证该定理对任意项级数是不成立的。

    In this paper , we use the new method to prove the Abel-Dini theorem , and the theorem is inconsistent to option infinite series .

  3. 本文通过对任意项级数敛散性的讨论,得出一个重要结论:若用比值法判断∑Un发散,则∑Un也发散,此结论在解决实际问题中起到了一定的作用。

    This paper discusses the convergence and diffusion properties of arbitrary term progression and draws an important conclusion , that is :∑| Un | is diffusion if we judge ∑| Un | diffusion by ratio . This condition takes some effects in solving practical problems .

  4. 含任意项特殊逻辑函数的图形化检测

    Graphic method for detecting special logical function including don 't cares

  5. 基于分解图检测含任意项特殊逻辑函数的方法

    Method of detecting special function with arbitrary term based on decomposition map

  6. 任意项无穷乘积的敛散性

    On the Convergence and Divergence of the Infinite Product of Variable Terms

  7. 保存项目时您可以更改这些项中的任意项。

    You can change any of these items when you save the project .

  8. 该产品支持带任意项化简并提供普通、教学、练习3种教学方式。

    Providing three kinds of teaching style : commonness , teaching , practice .

  9. 任意项级数敛散性的一个重要结论

    An Important Conclusion and Usage about Convergence and Diffusion Properties of Arbitrary Term Progression

  10. 含任意项逻辑函数布尔差分的图形化算法研究

    Research of map method for Boolean difference calculation in logic functions including don 't cares

  11. 而且他们还希望能够方便地查阅他们将来的一些内容项、创建新内容项或在需要的时候删除任意项。

    And they need to conveniently view their coming items , create new items , and delete any items if possible .

  12. 非线性系统的任意项精细积分外插多步法及其在混沌数值分析中的应用

    The free-item extrapolated multistep method for precise integration of a nonlinear system and its application in the digital analysis of a chaotic system

  13. 一个3x+1近似推广函数的不动点与分形图像含任意项逻辑函数布尔差分的图形化算法研究

    Fixed Point and Fractal Images for a Generalized Approximate 3x + 1 Function Research of map method for Boolean difference calculation in logic functions including don 't cares

  14. 含有VALUE子句的任意数据项将在此时被初始化为一个适当的值。

    Any data items that have VALUE clauses are initialized to the appropriate value at that time .

  15. 如果任意一项为float类型,则为float类型;或者,如果任意一项是decimal类型,则为decimal类型;否则,为integer类型。

    Type is float if either item is float ; otherwise , decimal if either item is decimal ; otherwise , integer .

  16. 违反其中任意一项,都可能引发失职诉讼。

    Violating any of those duties may subject the fiduciary to a law suit .

  17. 你可以做任意两项,只选择两种自己最喜欢的。

    You can do any 2 , I 'm just picking 2 of my favorites .

  18. 通过单击任意新闻项,用户可以查看该新闻项的细节。

    By clicking any news item , users can see the details of the news item .

  19. 键入任意搜索项,则返回任意文件夹中具有该搜索项的所有文件夹和报表。

    Type any search term to return all folders and reports in any folder with the search term .

  20. 具有皮肤红斑、皮疹、水疱任意1项者分别为83.3%、91.6%和41.6%;

    The patients with either skin erythema , rashes or blisters were 83.3 % , 91.6 % and 41.6 % respectively ;

  21. 尽管您可以在任意报表项上设置书签,但是只能添加指向文本框和图像的书签链接。

    You can set bookmarks on any report item , but you can add bookmark links only to text boxes and images .

  22. 这个模板在定义数据库方面有最大的扩展性,因为你可以更改创建数据库的任意一项设置。

    This template allows you maximum flexibility in defining a database because you can change any of the settings for the database being created .

  23. 如果两项罪名中的任意一项属实,他都将面临终身监禁,以及高达25万美元的罚款,用于进行损失赔偿。

    If convicted of either charge , Fury could face life imprisonment and a fine of up to $ 250,000 and be ordered to pay restitution , officials said .

  24. 如电线未能通过任意一项测试,电线卷筒上方的蓄电池将自动关闭,并在其进入卷筒之前找出疑似不合格的电缆。

    If the wire as it is running is found to fail any of the tests , an accumulator above the barrel pack automatically closes and captures the suspect cable before it enters the barrel .

  25. 从土地集约利用评价基础资料来看,多因素综合评价法对基础数据要求更加严格,缺少任意一项基础数据,将无法计算评价结果。

    From the basis of information , multi-factor comprehensive evaluation method more stringent requirements on the basis of the data , the lack of any of the underlying data , will be unable to calculate the results .

  26. 如果考恩先生在任意一项上铩羽而归,那将会严重影响国际社会对爱尔兰经济恢复的信心&他的共和党也将在随后可能的大选中失利。

    If Mr Cowen fails on any of these , the knock to international confidence in Ireland 's recovery would be serious & and there could well be a general election that his Fianna Fail party would lose .

  27. 具任意次非线性项的Liénard方程的精确解及其应用

    Explicit Exact Solutions for Li é nard Equation with Nonlinear Terms of any Degree and its Applications

  28. 含任意次非线性项的广义Davey-Stewartson方程组的精确解

    Exact Solutions of Generalized Davey-stewartson Equations with Nonlinear Terms of Any Order

  29. 利用推广的extended-tanh函数方法获得了一些带有任意阶非线性项的发展方程(组)的形式更为一般的精确解;

    Some general exact solutions for some nonlinear soliton equations with nonlinear terms of any order arc derived by use of the improved extended-tanh function method .

  30. 一个具有任意阶非线性项演化方程的显式行波解

    The Explicit Traveling Solutions on One Evolution Equation with Arbitrary Order Nonlinear Term