
  • 网络task-driven method
  1. 任务驱动法在运输管理实务教学中的应用

    Usage of Task-driven Method in Teaching of Transportation Management Practices

  2. 任务驱动法在实践型人力资源管理教学中的应用研究

    Application of the Task-Driven Method in Practical Teaching of the Course " Human Resources Management "

  3. 任务驱动法在Access数据库技术教学中的实践

    Task-driven Teaching Method on Access Database Technology

  4. 利用任务驱动法促进PLC课程的一体化教学

    Using the Task-driven Mode to Improve the Integrated Teaching of PLC

  5. JSP课程作为计算机专业开设的重要课程之一,如何更好地在JSP的教学中让任务驱动法融入,这样的探究就显得比较有意义。

    JSP courses as computer science courses offered by one of the important , how to better the teaching of the JSP method for task-driven integration , this becomes more meaningful inquiry .

  6. 而任务驱动法教学就是强调以学生为主贯穿整个任务完成的一种教学模式,能体现UG产品设计教学的特点。

    The task-driven method of teaching is a teaching model which emphasizes throughout the main task was completed by the students , and can reflect the UG product design teaching characteristics .

  7. 用任务驱动法培养学生解决问题的能力

    Use Task-Driving to Bring up Students ' Abilities of Solving Problems

  8. 任务驱动法提高化工生产实习教学质量

    Task-driving Teaching Method for Improving the Teaching Quality of Chemical Engineering Production Practice

  9. 案例任务驱动法在图形图像教学中的运用

    The Application of Task-Driven Case Teaching in Graphics Teaching

  10. 应用任务驱动法改进计算机教材设计

    The Improvement of Textbook Design of Computer by the Application of Task-driven Method

  11. 使用任务驱动法进行计算机课教学

    Using the method of Mission Driving on Computer Class

  12. 讨论“任务驱动法”在《信息检索》教学实践中的应用。

    The paper has discussed the application of task-driven technique in the course of Information Retrieval .

  13. 活动作文的教学方法主要有实践教学法、发现教学法、情境教学法、任务驱动法和交往教学法。

    Activities , methods of teaching writing are practical teaching methods , found that approach , situational approach , task-driven method and communication pedagogy .

  14. “任务驱动法”是实施探究式教学模式的一种教学方法,目前在计算机课程的教学中被普遍采用。

    The Appliance of Mission Driving is a kind of teaching methods of inquiry-based teaching model and it is applied widespread in curriculums'teaching of computer now .

  15. 初中科学复习课的有效教学方法确立为:问题复习法、习题法、实验研究法、任务驱动法以及以新闻事件(情境)为载体复习法。

    Effective teaching methods were established as follows : the question review method , exercises method , experiment research method , task-driven method and news event ( situation ) as carrier review method . 5 .

  16. 任务驱动法是指在学生学习和掌握了一定的理论知识的基础上,通过教师设计好一个个任务,每个任务包含经过精心取舍的知识量,把一些问题展现在学生面前。

    Task-driving , namely the method , which bases on the students learning and mastering the knowledge and the teachers designing some tasks which including elaborately selected knowledge to show the students some practical problems .

  17. 针对二级学院电子商务专业的特点,阐述毕业设计的目的、要求、实施过程、评测手段,以及启发式教学和任务驱动法的应用。

    In view of two levels of institutes electronic commerce specialized characteristic , elaboration graduation project goal , request , implementation process , evaluation method , as well as heuristic teaching and duty actuation method application .

  18. 第五部分,对实验结果进行反思,提出并分析了当前运用任务驱动法教学中值得注意的问题,提出优化任务驱动教学模式以适应中职学生学习的建议。

    Part five reflects on the results of the experiment , introduces and analyses the major problems existing in the current teaching practice by using the task-driven approach , provides some suggestions on how to optimize the task-driven classroom instructions .

  19. 摘要互动式教学正成为一种新型教学方式,文章从课堂教学、计算机辅助教学及任务驱动法三个方面说明了互动性教学模式在计算机文化基础教学中的应用。

    Interactive teaching is becoming one kind of new model teaching way , this article explains the application of interactive teaching pattern in Computer Culture Basis Teaching from three aspects : classroom teaching , computer-aid teaching and the mission driving way .

  20. 任务驱动法是目前信息技术课堂最普遍采用的教学方法,创新教学任务设计,是信息技术课程改革,提高课堂效率最为有效的途径。

    The task-driven approach is the information technology classroom teaching methods are most commonly used , the innovation of teaching task design , is the information technology curriculum reform , improve the efficiency of the classroom is the most effective way .

  21. 任务驱动教学法在《Access数据库程序设计》教学中的应用

    The Task-driven Teaching Method 's Application in Teaching Access Database Programming

  22. 任务驱动教学法在VB课程教学中的探索与实践

    The Exploration and Practice of the Task-driven Teaching in VB Courses

  23. 基于建构主义的VB课程任务驱动教学法

    Task-driven Teaching Method Based on Constructivism in VB

  24. 任务驱动教学法在高职数据库(VFP)教学中的应用

    Application of task-driven teaching method in database ( VFP ) teaching in high duty colleges

  25. 任务驱动教学法在计算机教学中的运用

    The Application of " Driving with Task " in Computer Teaching

  26. 任务驱动教学法在会计电算化教学中的应用

    Application of Task-Driven Method in the Teaching of Accounting Computerization

  27. 任务驱动教学法在《单片机原理与应用》课程中的应用

    The Application of the Task-driven Method in the SCM Course

  28. 任务驱动教学法是一种很有效的以学生为中心的教学方法。

    Task-based teaching method is an effective student-centered teaching method .

  29. 任务驱动教学法在数控加工实习教学中的应用

    The application of task-driving instructional method in nc practice teaching

  30. 临床护理教学中实施任务驱动教学法初探

    Primary probe into carrying out tasks-actuated teaching method in clinical nursing teaching