
  • 网络tutorial;Coaching;one-on-one Coaching
  1. 一对一辅导选择京翰!

    School tutoring center-Han-Jing one on one .

  2. 必须有个性化的教学方式,一对一辅导和有针对性的练习题。

    It would have to be personalized , you 'd have to have private tutors and worksheets for every student .

  3. 布鲁姆在上世纪八十年代早期发现,参加一对一辅导的学生表现明显好于接受普通课堂教学的学生。

    In the early 1980s , bloom observed that students who engaged in one-on-one tutoring performed significantly better than those who had a typical classroom experience .

  4. 该校学员们称赞这里的训练将他们推出了自己的“舒适区”,还有针对他们各自企业情况量身定制的一对一辅导课程。

    IMD participants praised the way their training pushed them out of their comfort zones and also the one-on-one coaching sessions tailored to their individual business situations .

  5. 在第五章则是通过分析对A集团广州分公司的一对一辅导营销策划中的价格、渠道、促销、人员、过程和有形展示几个方面进行探讨,提出了自己的观点和建议。

    In the fifth chapter is the analysis of the A Education Group Guangzhou Branch of the " one-on-one " counseling in the price of marketing planning , channel , promotion , personnel , process and display the visible aspects to explore and put forward their views and recommendations .

  6. 有个家庭除了一对一的辅导其他都不接受,他们请王老师从凌层一点到三点专门辅导他们家的孩子,这是那个学生唯一空闲的时间。

    One family refused anything less than a one-on-one tutoring session , asking Wang to tutor from 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. - the only free time the student had .

  7. 1987年,玛蒂尔达。科莫协助成立了全国首创以学校为基础,全州范围内一对一的个别辅导计划。

    In1987 , Matilda Cuomo helped establish the nation 's first statewide school-based one-to-one mentoring program .

  8. 的确,我们也很难用只言片语来概括我们需要的一对一培训、辅导和咨询解答。

    Indeed , it is difficult to overstate the value of one-to-one training , mentoring and counseling .

  9. 同时为创业者配备“一对一”导师辅导服务,对其创业资金的支出以及公司的运营进行指导。

    It also assigns each of them a tutor who provides guidance on spending fund money and operating the company .

  10. 为改善教育做出的五花八门的保证当中,也包含着对成绩落后的学生提供一对一的补习辅导。

    Among the assorted education guarantees is that some pupils who fall behind will be able to get one-to-one catch-up tuition .

  11. 1987年,玛蒂尔达.科莫协助成立了全国首创以学校为基础,全州范围内一对一的个别辅导计划。

    One-on-one mentoring And so it was . In 1987 , Matilda Cuomo helped establish the nation 's first statewide school-based one-to-one mentoring program .

  12. 本机构为学生及家长提供一站式的全面支援服务,包括以学生为本的多元智能培育课程及一对一专业教育顾问辅导服务。

    We provide supports to our students and their families through student-centric multi-disciplinary programmes and one-on-one targeted counseling .