
  1. 山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。

    Where the hills and streams end and there seems no road beyond , | amidst shading willows and blooming flowers another village appears .

  2. 山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。(陆游《游山西村》)

    Mountains multiply , streams double back I doubt there 's even a road ; | willows cluster darkly , blossoms shine another village ahead !

  3. 居住区:师大一村草地类型(C);

    Grassland in a dwelling district ( C );

  4. 我在想可能会柳暗花明又一村。

    I was thinking your day could still pick up .

  5. 中国信托业:柳暗花明又一村

    China 's Trust Industry : Meeting More Favorable Circumstances New Year Again

  6. 福建省一村一品发展战略研究

    Studies on the strategies of developing one village one product in Fujian Province

  7. 实施一村一名大学生计划试点的思考

    Actualize the Pilot Project of " One Village on University Student " Visualizing

  8. 他们还知道这需要一村的人来做。

    They also know that this takes a village .

  9. 新市民的信任:从差序格局到扩展的同心圆&以无锡市广瑞一村为实证对象

    Trust of the New Citizens : Change from Orderly-diversity Pattern to Extended Concentric-circle Pattern

  10. 开展农村远程开放教育提高农村人才整体素质&广西一村一名大学生计划试点项目实践初探

    Preliminary Experiment on the Pilot Project of " One College-student for One Village "

  11. 作为一村之长,他一心为村民谋福祉。

    As village head , he works wholeheartedly for the wellbeing of the villagers .

  12. 关于反思教学模式的应用与思考&对一村一名大学生计划教学模式的实践反思

    Application and Thought of Reflective Teaching Model in " One Village One Student " Program

  13. 一村一名大学生创业型人才培养模式的研究

    Research on Entrepreneurial Talents Training Model of " One College Student in One Village "

  14. 提出4项推进福建省一村一品向纵深发展的思路;

    Puts forward 4 thoughts for further developing One Village One Products in Fujian Province ;

  15. 本文分析了山一村人口构成现状,预测了2000年人口增加量;

    The population structure of Shanyi village is analyzed , and future population in2000 is predicted .

  16. 天津市郊区县农民就学一村一名大学生计划的动因研究

    Research into the Cause of Plan " One Village One College Student " in Suburbs of Tianjin

  17. 如何处理好一村一名大学生计划工作中的八大关系

    Dealing well with eight relationships at the program of " one village with one university student "

  18. 那时评论家开始注意到他的作品,这对梵高来说是“柳暗花明又一村”。

    Things seemed to be looking up for van Gogh as critics started to recognize his work .

  19. 一村一名大学生计划与新农村建设

    On the Plan of Having One College Student in Every Village and the Construction of New County

  20. 山西电大一村一名大学生计划的实践与思考

    The Consideration of Shanxi TV University Implementation " The Plan of a College Student in One Village "

  21. 在南通一村的奶站,政府检测机构还发现了高含量的抗生素残留。

    At milking stations in Nantongyi , recent government inspections have also found high levels of antibiotic residues .

  22. 提高一村一名大学生计划面授课教学质量之我见

    My own opinion on contact teaching quality of the project " one village with one university student "

  23. 阐述了福建省一村一品发展的主要成效与存在问题;

    This paper expounds the major achievements in developing One Village One Products and existing problems in Fujian Province ;

  24. 同时也带动了周边的龙美村、蔡边一村、蔡边二村等村的发展。

    Also driven around the Long Mei Village , a village side Cai Cai village while two village development .

  25. 吉林省一村一品经济发展存在的主要问题及对策

    On the Main Questions and Countermeasures Existed in the Development of Jilin Province " One Brand in One Village " Economy

  26. 自银行危机冲击西方以来,柳暗花明又一村。

    Bigger things have , all of a sudden , begun appearing on the horizon since a banking crisis erupted in the West .

  27. 日本一村一品运动对我国少数民族地区文化建设的启示

    The Movement One Brand for Each Village in Japan and Its Inspiration to the Cultural Construction in the Ethnic Groups Areas in China

  28. 同一村际不同农户之间对优质稻新技术采用率有一定的差异。

    There are certain differences among households of the same village in the rate of adoption of new technology in high quality rice .

  29. 发展现代农业的目标是产业化,而一村一品正是发展产业化的有效模式。

    The goal of developing modern agriculture is industrialization , and " One Village One Product " is an effective mode of developing industrialization .

  30. 一村一名大学生计划是教育部发展农村高等教育的一项新的举措。

    " The plan of a college student in one village " is a new move that the education ministry develops rural area higher education .