
  1. 一颗钻石在她的无名指上闪闪发光。

    A diamond glittered on her ring finger .

  2. 她的脖子上挂着一颗钻石鸡心。

    She wore a diamond heart around her neck .

  3. 但在未来,物理学家可能会让一颗钻石具有比一张DVD大100万倍的信息存储容量,也许还会更多。

    But in the future physicists could access a diamond with storage capacity a million times greater than that of a DVD , maybe more .

  4. 印弟安公主在右鼻孔中戴了一颗钻石。

    The Indian princess wore a diamond in her right nostril .

  5. 真爱如同一颗钻石:灿烂夺目而晶莹剔透。

    True love is like a diamond ,: brillant and transparent .

  6. 至少西皮笛不知道最后一颗钻石在哪里。

    At least Zeebad doesn 't know where the last diamond is .

  7. 这样的人都有一颗钻石般的心。

    People harboring this mindset have a precious diamond heart !

  8. 如果你得到一颗钻石,不要忘记金子!

    If you get a Diamond , don 't forget the Gold !

  9. 谁需要在僵硬的手上放一颗钻石?

    Who needs a diamond on a hand of stone ?

  10. 彩虹色调的云雀嘴上嵌着一颗钻石;

    a rainbow-colored lark with a diamond in its beak ;

  11. 我在那里会找到第三颗也是最后一颗钻石。

    And that is where I 'll find my third and final diamond .

  12. 那个小偷为女友偷窃了一颗钻石。

    The thief stole his girlfriend a diamond .

  13. 向上高于如此高世界,象在天空里的一颗钻石一样。

    Up above the world so high , Like a diamond in the sky .

  14. 我去换了一颗钻石。

    I had the original stone replaced .

  15. 迄今为止,在美国境内所发现的最大一颗钻石是于1924年时在阿肯色州出土的。

    The largest diamond ever discovered in the United States was unearthed in Arkansas in1924 .

  16. 如果买得起,我会送给那个女孩(张丹)一颗钻石。

    " That girl , I would give her diamonds if I could afford it ," U.

  17. 他将一颗钻石使劲地往橱窗上一按,在玻璃上留下一道深痕。

    He held a diamond firmly against the window and made a deep impression in the glass .

  18. 只要打开电视,总是看到人们在榭寄生树枝下拥吻,还有'为她买一颗钻石吧&她就会爱上你'之类的广告。

    Everything you see on TV has people kissing under mistletoe and'Buy her a diamond & she 'll love you ! '

  19. 对我来说,她是我的奇迹,是我在这个充满困惑和伤痛的世界上拥有的一颗钻石。

    To me , Sharon is my miracle , my diamond in a world filled with problems , hurt , and pain .

  20. 如果你手上戴了一颗钻石,那它很可能存在瑕疵,即便你用肉眼看不到。

    If you wear a diamond on your finger , it likely has flaws , even if you can 't see them .

  21. 谁都能在脖子上戴一颗钻石,但若是戴上充满想象、做工精美的某样东西,那是多么的有个性!

    Anyone can wear a diamond around their neck , but wearing something that is full of imagination and is beautifully made is so much more individual .

  22. 敬拜好象一颗钻石,是多面向的,要用很长的篇幅才能祥尽讲述,因此在这部分,我们要集中讲座敬拜最主要的几方面。

    Like a diamond , worship is multifaceted . It would take volumes to cover all there is to understand about worship , but we will look at the primary aspects of worship in this section .

  23. 对于一颗成品钻石,国际上通常以4C标准,即颜色(Color)、重量(Caratage)、净度(Clarity)和切工(Cut)对其品质进行分级。

    An end product diamond is usually classified by 4C standard ( color , carat , clarity , cut ) .

  24. 他的领带针上镶着一颗大钻石,看起来很是昂贵。

    His scarfpin was a large diamond ; looking very expensive .

  25. 这是一颗上等钻石。

    It is a diamond of the first order .

  26. 还有一颗大钻石刚刚在南非著名的库里南矿山里被发现。

    Another huge diamond has just been found in South Africa 's renowned Cullinan Mine .

  27. 京晶:她想要一颗大钻石。

    She wants a big diamond .

  28. 因此,该系列中最大的一颗白钻石(2.04克拉)被独自镶嵌在一枚戒指上,多数都被切割成不等边四边形,镶嵌在精美的方形人造白金袖扣、领带夹或者戒指上面。

    Hence the largest white diamond ( 2.04-carats ) in the collection is set alone in the centre of a class ring and the majority are trapezoid-cut chips set in subtle regimental stripes across a square white gold cuff link , tie bar or ring .

  29. 啊钻石戒指锐特,你一定买一颗很大的钻石戒指。

    Oh-a diamond Ring-and rhett , do buy a great big one .

  30. 他的领带别针是一颗很大的钻石,不过镶嵌得奇特古怪。

    His scarfpin was a large diamond , oddly set .