
  1. 方法:以北京市某校春蕾班、非春蕾班学生各30名和中等学校43名学生为调查对象,采用EMBU、自我概念量表、NEO-PI-R和CAPI中的人际关系量表进行问卷调查。

    Methods : A sample of 113 students , including spring buds ' 30 , non-spring buds ' 30 , and middle schools ' 43 , was tested by NEO-PI-R , CAPI , EMBU and Self-concept scale .

  2. 除了来自社会各界的资金援助,春蕾班教师们的辛勤工作也是不能忽视的。

    Besides the funds and support from society , the hard work of teachers should not be neglected .

  3. 结论:父母对春蕾班学生无偏激的教养行为,形成了积极家庭自我概念、积极的人格特点和人际关系特点。

    Conclusion : Personality and family self-concept of spring bud class students is greatly affected by parental rearing .

  4. 目的:探讨春蕾班学生父母教养方式、自我概念及其与人格特点的关系。

    Objective : To examine the relationship of parental rearing , self-concept and personality traits of spring bud classes .

  5. 要真正大面积提高教学质量,关键是如何对待春蕾班和城市班学生之间的差异。

    To truly improve the quality of teaching greatly , the key is how to deal with the differences between students .

  6. 结果:①控制组学生父亲严厉惩罚、母亲拒绝否认、父亲偏爱、母亲偏爱高于春蕾班的学生;

    Results : ① Punishment of father , rejection and denial of mother and parental partiality of control group was higher than those of spring bud classes .

  7. 调查发现基于生源地划分出来的春蕾班和城市班学生在基础知识、学习能力、性格、兴趣爱好等方面存在着很大的差异,符合分层教学的学生层次的划分标准。

    The survey found there are a lot of differences in basic knowledge , learning ability , personality , hobbies , etc of students from the Spring Bud classes and urban students , which is the base of conduction of Level-based teaching .