
  1. 建议筛选出行政成本的系列控制指标,纳入任期绩效考核。

    It was proposed to select a series of control indexes of administration to integrate into achievement examination during term of office .

  2. 实行科学的严格合理的、团队考核与个人考核相结合的、任期中考核与任期满考核相结合的考核制度。

    Undertaking scientific and strict appraisal system which puts team appraisal together with individual appraisal , appraisal during the tenure together with appraisal by the tenure .

  3. 政府官员作为行为人存在短视偏差,而且由于任期制、考核机制的作用以及官员政治生命周期的特殊性,官员的短视偏差得到强化。

    The cognition bias of myopia is strengthened by the tenure system , assessment mechanisms , as well as the unique political life cycle of officials .

  4. 最后,作者针对存在的问题探索了大陆架公司在未来高层人员激励上所应实施的措施,重点介绍了完善年薪制、竞聘任期制、考核制度、外部监督及精神激励等措施。

    Finally , the author explores implementation of executive ' incentives and constrains in the future , emphasis on Annual salary system , competition for the tenure system , assessment system , external supervision and spiritual incentive measures .

  5. 建立院长任期目标责任制考核制度。

    Thirdly , establish duty checking system of leader 's tenure .

  6. 护士长任期目标责任制考核模式的相关研究

    A study on assessment approach of the targeted responsibility during the tenure of office as a head nurse