
  1. 任白慈善基金景林安老院〔基督教家庭服务中心〕

    Yam Pak Charitable Foundation King Lam Home for the Elderly [ Christian Family Service Centre ]

  2. 我愿做一条鱼,任你红烧、白煮、清蒸,然后躺在你温柔的胃里。

    I would like to make a fish , no matter how you stewed , boiled , steamed , and then lying on your stomach gently .

  3. 如果他们进行了选举,人们可以从西斯廷教堂的烟囱上最先了解选举结果。当地时间周二晚八点,如果烟囱冒出来的是黑烟,那么表示已经选举出新一任教皇,而白烟则代表没有选举结果。

    Assuming they vote , the first puffs of smoke should emerge from the Sistine Chapel chimney by 8 p.m. local time Tuesday , black for no pope , white if a pope has been chosen .