
  1. 文明失范、道德腐败与常德缺位

    On the Civilization Abnormality , Moral Corruption and Absence of Constant Virtue

  2. 研究表明,人们都是典型性道德腐败。

    Studies have shown that people are typically morally corrupt .

  3. 本文最主要的结论是:存在着一个道德腐败陷阱。

    The most important conclusion we draw is that there exists a corrupt trap .

  4. 对学术道德腐败问题的思考

    Thinking on Academic Ethic Corrupt

  5. 张载华表示他的怨气不是针对某个官员,而是“生产者的集体道德腐败。”

    Zhang said he didn 't hold grudges against any individual officials but rather the " collective moral corruption of the producers . "

  6. 菲茨杰拉德以艺术家的创作手法,描述了一战后美国社会表面繁荣下的道德腐败和精神空虚,并通过盖茨比的悲剧揭示了美国现实生活中的精神荒原和必然会破灭的美国梦。

    With the great artistic skills , Fitzgerald has succeeded in describing the moral corruption and spiritual vacuum under the superficial prosperity m American society , exposes the wasteland in American social reality , and illustrates the inevitable failure of American dream .

  7. 道德上腐败或者邪恶。

    Morally corrupt or evil .

  8. 学术道德的腐败是一个普遍的社会问题,给学术界带来负面影响。

    Academic ethic corrupt is a common social problem which has a big negative effect in academic circles .

  9. 这样就可以建立一个动态的模型解释基于道德导致腐败规模变化的原因。

    Based on this idea , we can construct a dynamic model to explain how morality affects malversation .

  10. 一个民族以至一个国家一旦丧失或弱化了诚信意识,必然会产生各种不道德或腐败现象。

    Once a nation as well as a national loss or weaken the integrity consciousness , is bound to produce a variety of unethical or corruption .

  11. 倡导管理道德与惩治腐败

    On Advocating Administrative Ethics and Punishing Corruption

  12. 道德文化、腐败与经济转型&对中国转型期一个基于道德腐败的经济学分析

    Morality , Corruption and Economic Transition & Analysis on Moral Corruption during the Course of the Chinese Transition

  13. 与此同一时期,教会内部也出现了很多道德沦丧和腐败现象。

    In this same time , there have been a lot of moral decay and corruption within the church .

  14. 身处这个物欲横流的现今社会,信仰迷失、道德滑坡、腐败滋生、精神空虚等社会现象,几乎充斥着现代文明的每一个角落。

    Yet as for our emotion and morality , we have practically got lost in this modern materialistic society , with every corner of which there are deficiencies in belief , breeding ground for corruption , and spiritual vacuum filled as social phenomenon .

  15. 从政道德法规与反腐败的制度创新

    Moral Construction and Law Making for Government Posts and Anti-Corruption Institutional Innovation

  16. 道德防治是反腐败系统工程中必不可少的重要一环,具有客观的必然性。

    It 's an essential and important link in the anti-corruption system engineering that the morals prevent and cure , which has objective certainty .

  17. 只有从政治、经济、法律、道德等方面提高腐败的私人成本,降低腐败的私人收益,才能有效地防止和遏制腐败。

    Thus only by raising the corruption personal cost in politics , economy , law , morality and reducing the personal corruption gains , can we combat and guard against corruption in an effective way .

  18. 我们在取得巨大成就的同时,也出现了道德价值的偏颇和混乱、道德滑坡、腐败现象滋生蔓延,行政道德问题日益突出。

    We while making enormous achievement , appear bias , morals of value with confusion , morals come down , the corruption breed and spread too , the administrative ethical question is outstanding day by day .

  19. 当下紧迫的问题已不是如何描述评价这一道德危机现状,而是探寻造成文明失范、道德腐败的根源,寻求有效的道德药方。

    Today , the urgent job is not to describe and appraise the situation of moral crisis , but to find out the origin of civilization abnormality and moral corruption and seek an effective moral remedy .