
  • 网络Lam-rim;Lam Rim;Gradual Path
  1. 不陷于恶缘,忙碌处所,令人放逸的友伴,或任何其他通往觉悟道路的障碍,愿我以三宝为皈依,以三士道次第修行。

    Without falling prey to adverse circumstances , busy places , distracting companions , or any other such obstacle on the path to enlightenment , may I take the three jewels as my refuge and train in the gradual path for beings of the three levels of spiritual capacity !

  2. 由灵修社群提供的支持性环境,是解脱道次第不可或缺的一部份。

    The supportive environment provided by a spiritual community is an integral part of the path .

  3. 本文以传统人物画为中心,依照由法入理、由理求道的传统学术次第,对中国画勾勒法进行了较为深入的学理探微。

    Traditional figure painting is the focus of this thesis , which deeply studies outline drawing method ( Goulefa ) in Chinese painting through traditional academic sequence , which is method to theory , and theory for spirit .