
  1. 网络时代中学生道德判断力研析

    Study on Moral Judgment of Chinese Middle School Students in Net Times

  2. 良知(道德判断力)以自由为存在依据,同时又是先验自由的具体体现。

    Intuitive knowledge , moral judgement , regards freedom as its gist and is the concrete embodiment of priori freedom .

  3. 虽说新生代农民工在道德判断力方面整体上来看是好的,但仍然还是存在一些问题。

    Although the new generation of migrant workers in moral judgment on the whole is good , but it still exists some problems .

  4. 并简单地界定了新生代农民工和道德判断力的含义以及新生代农民工道德判断力的主要内容。

    And simply defines the " new generation of migrant workers " and " moral sense " meaning and the main contents of the moral judgment .

  5. 在这种情况下,要提高学校德育工作的实效,必须注重培养学生的道德判断力,提高学生的免疫力。

    In the circum stance , we must pay attention to cultivate students ' moral judgment , raise their " immunity ", so as to improve the actual effect of college moral education .

  6. 因此,帮助大学生们明辨是非,提高道德判断力和自我教育能力,是当前高校德育和学生管理工作面临的新的课题。

    Therefore , it is a new task for the moral advisors and college administrators to help students to make a clear distinction between right and wrong and to enhance their capabilities in moral judgment and self-education .

  7. 当然,良心在康德那里是作为判断行为善恶的能力存在,它是对自身进行裁决的道德判断力,这是康德良心概念的又一主要含义&良知。

    Certainly , conscience exists as the ability to judge behavioral goodness and evil and is the moral judgement that towards oneself . This is one of main meanings of Kant 's concept of conscience : intuitive knowledge .

  8. 新世纪,高等教育必须转变教育思想,树立新的教育观、德育观和人才观,尤其需要树立以人为本的德育理念,提高学生的道德判断力、选择力和创造力,教育学生学会面对人生,创造生活。

    New century , higher education must change educational thought , establish new education view , moral view and talent view , especially need to establish the moral idea of People-centre , raise students ' mor als judgement , choose strength and creativity in order to face and create life .

  9. 你若是利用愤世嫉俗作为心理上的防卫手段,不久就会丧尽对道德准则的判断力。

    If you use cynicism as a defence you soon lose all sense of moral values .

  10. 道德教育要回归生活世界,培育道德主体的道德判断力。

    The moral education should regresses to normal life and the moral judgment of moral subject should be developed .

  11. 道德选择是内外自由耦合作用的结果,其主要的心理机制是道德判断力和自我意识。

    Moral sense and self-consciousness is the main psychological mechanism for moral selection .

  12. 理想的道德教育模式是建立在对道德教育本质的认识基础上,体现以人为本的教育思想,从个体的道德需要出发,激发道德情感,注重培养个体的道德判断力和道德分辨力。

    Perfect moral education pattern is established on the foundation of moral education principle . It embody people-oriented educational thought , set out moral need of individual , excite moral feeling and bring up moral judgement and moral resolving capability .