
  1. 基于GIS的山地林道网优化配置系统

    GIS-Based Optimum Disposition System for Mountain Forest Road Network

  2. 林道网理论研究的历史回顾与展望

    A Review and Prospect for the Research of Forest Road Network

  3. 低强度择伐伐区林道网合理密度的研究

    Study on the density of forestry road network for selective cutting system

  4. 山地林道网对林地环境的影响

    Effects of Mountain Forest Road Network on Forest Land Environment

  5. 林道网合理养护年限的研究

    Study on Optimum Years of Maintaining Forest Road Network

  6. 山地林道网配置线型与合理密度

    Disposition Configuration and Optimal Density of Forest Road Network

  7. 山地林道网对森林综合效益影响的计量评价

    Quantitative Evaluation of Effects of Mountain Forest Road Network on Forest Comprehensive Benefits

  8. 用一道网捕捉住目标,使其不能移动。

    Entraps an enemy unit in a net , rendering the unit unable to move .

  9. 论林道网的技术评价

    Technical Evaluation of Forest Road Network

  10. 林道网密度研究中与经济有关的几个问题分析

    An Analysis of Several Problems Relative to Economy in the Research of the Forest Road Network

  11. 山地林道网对林地环境影响的定量研究是一个重要的却一直未被重视的领域。

    Quantitative researches on the effects of mountain forest road network on the environment in forest land were ignored in past .

  12. 故在本文最后一章,结合本文所提出的方法和技术指引,介绍了广州市番禺区绿道网近期规划及建设情况。

    Thus , based on the above methods and technical guidelines , this article introduces the immediate plan and construction of greenway in Panyu in the last chapter .

  13. 以集材段运输成本、合理林道网密度等经济模型为基础,建立木材物流系统最低费用模型,计算分析了5种物流模式的费用;

    Based on the economical models of off-road transportation cost and optimum density of forest road network , model for the least cost of wood logistics system was proposed . The costs of 5 modes of wood logistics system were analyzed .

  14. 2010年1月出台了《珠江三角洲绿道网总体规划纲要》,纲要明确广东从2010年起,用3年左右时间,在珠三角率先建成总长约1678公里的6条区域绿道。

    In Jan.2010 , Master Planning Outline for Greenway Construction in Pearl River Delta was unveiled , which clearly defines that Guangdong will construct six regional greenways with the total length of 1678 km in three years ` time from 2010 .

  15. 增城市的绿道网规划建设不仅注重满足公共开放空间和景观生态的功能,更注重与发展生态文明、提升产业层次、统筹城乡发展相结合。

    Greenway Network by the ZengCheng city planning and construction not only focus on meeting public open space and landscape ecological features , more emphasis and development of ecological civilization , and upgrade the industry , the combination of urban and rural development .

  16. 近年来,广东省委省政府决定在全面开展宜居城乡建设的基础上,先行加快推进珠三角绿道网的规划建设,从而为区域绿地划定及管理工作积累经验。

    These years , based on the livable urban and rural construction , Guangdong provincial party committee and provincial government has decided to speed up the development of the Greenway Construction in Pearl River Delta , in order to gather experience for regional Greenway assignment and management .

  17. 基于图像技术的梳毛机末道毛网CV值监控技术

    Monitoring and control of evenness of finish woolen web based on computer image processing

  18. 本文提出图像处理技术,对梳毛机末道毛网CV值进行在线全过程检测,使粗纱的均匀性得到控制,并与电容式条干仪测定的CV值进行比较,取得了满意的结果。

    Compared with the capacitive evenness tester , the computer image processing can satisfactorily control the evenness of finish woolen web in the whole production process .

  19. 别碰那道铁丝网,能钩伤你的!

    You could do yourself a mischief on that barbed-wire fence !

  20. 资质申报为规范建筑市场拉起一道防护网&建筑业企业申报资质面面观

    Qualification application creates protection network for building market standardization

  21. 城市公交专用道线网布局方法

    Method for Urban Bus Lane Network Planning Planning Skill

  22. 因此,大多数人仍拥有私人养老金,但政府已增加了一道安全网。

    Thus most people still have private pensions , but the government has added a safety net .

  23. 最新国家高速公路、国道、省道、县乡道公路网信息。

    Latest national highway , national highway , provincial , county and township Road , road network information .

  24. 明初司法监察制度由独立监察机构的监察、中央行政的监察以及司法体系内部监察三道监察网构成。

    The judicial and supervisory system of the early Ming Dynasty comprises three supervisory nets including independent supervisory departments , central administration and the judicial department themselves .

  25. 针对这一特点,提出一套对县道公路网规划方案进行综合评价的评价指标体系,重点评价县道公路网的连通性和覆盖性。

    Based on these characteristics , this paper puts forward a comprehensive evaluation criteria system which mainly evaluate the connection and covering level of county road network planning .

  26. 社会救助是社会保障的重要组成部分,是现代国家中的基本公民权利之一,保障着人们的基本生活,是维护社会稳定的一道安全网,对于国家的长治久安起着不可替代的作用。

    Society relief , one of the basic civil rights , which is an important part of social security system , is a " safety net " for social stability .

  27. 为缓解城市交通拥堵,提高公交服务水平,建立合理的城市交通结构,用轨道交通线网规划方法研究公交专用道线网布局问题。

    The urban bus lane network planning was studied using urban rail transit network planning method to alleviate traffic jams , improve public traffic services , and design efficient traffic structures .

  28. 最低生活保障制度,作为保障社会稳定的最后一道安全网,是中国社会救助体系的基础工程。

    The minimum living security system , taking as the " last safety net " for the guarantee of the social stability , is the basic project for the social relief system in China .

  29. 在一场暴风雨当中,身穿紧身窄裙和高跟鞋的她翻越了一道安全网,成功关掉了雇主家里不断鸣响的安保系统。

    But Philippa Hose , a tall , blonde Concierge employee , had to scale a security fence while wearing a pencil skirt and heels in order to disable a client 's alarm system during a storm .

  30. 社会救助制度是社会保障制度的重要内容之一,也是各国最基本的社会保障制度之一,它是为贫困所设立的最后一道安全网。

    Social relief system of the social security system is an important aspect of the States is the most basic one of the social security system , it is poverty of the last set up by a safety net .