
  • 网络ham;HAMM;Harm;halm
  1. 我走了出来,哈姆轻轻地关好门。

    I stepped outside , and Ham shut the door carefully .

  2. 而我最信任的人莫过于哈姆!

    And there 's no one I trust more than Ham !

  3. 修理工作将交给巴尔哈姆的克莱格父子建筑公司完成。

    The repairs were to be done by Messrs Clegg & Sons of Balham .

  4. 这个词结合了英文中“政治人物”和“演艺人士”两个词汇,是美国明尼苏达州哈姆莱大学的政治学教授大卫-舒尔茨创造出的。

    This word is blend of politician and entertainer and it was dreamed up by David Schultz , a political science professor at Minnesota ’ s Hamline University .

  5. 哈罗德?哈姆(HaroldHamm)成长于俄克拉荷马州(一个小镇,家里穷得叮当响。

    Harold Hamm grew up dirt-poor in a tiny town in Oklahoma .

  6. 哈姆通过DirecTV的服务合法地观看了这部剧集,他说是曾在周六夜现场(SaturdayNightLive)合作过的比尔·哈德尔(BillHader)介绍他看的。

    Mr. Hamm ( who watched the show legally on DirecTV ) said he was introduced to it by the Saturday Night Live alumnus Bill Hader .

  7. rathboneinvestmentmanagement投资总监简斯丹哈姆(janesydenham)表示,只有在客户愿意投资很多年的情况下,才能略微放松短期谨慎。

    Short-term caution can only be tempered if a client is willing to remain invested for many years , says Jane Sydenham , investment director at Rathbone investment management .

  8. 哈姆通过DirecTV的服务合法地观看了这部剧集,他说是曾在“周六夜现场”(SaturdayNightLive)合作过的比尔·哈德尔(BillHader)介绍他看的。

    Mr. Hamm ( who watched the show legally on DirecTV ) said he was introduced to it by the " Saturday Night Live " alumnus Bill Hader .

  9. 游戏的剧情由电影制片人拉里o法森顿和格拉哈姆o雷兹尼克与游戏开发商SupermassiveGames精心打造。故事中,八位好友被困在遥远的山区度假村,还有一名不受限制的精神病人。

    The story , which was crafted by filmmakers Larry Fessenden and Graham Reznick alongside game developers Supermassive Games , traps eight friends in a remote mountain getaway with a psycho on the loose .

  10. 马萨诸塞州斯通哈姆市(Stoneham)Circadian培训咨询公司的董事长兼首席执行长马丁•摩尔艾德(MartinMoore-Ede)说,困顿感也往往是在下午两点左右达到顶峰,这是进行午休的好时候。

    Sleepiness also tends to peak around 2 p.m. , making that a good time for a nap , says Martin Moore-Ede , chairman and chief executive of Circadian , a Stoneham , Mass . , training and consulting firm .

  11. 欢快的主题之下潜藏着含糊的前提,剧集开始,哈姆与拉菲·斯波(RafeSpall)饰演两个男人,由于未知的原因呆在一个木屋里。

    Beneath that seemingly cheerful title lurks an ambiguous premise that begins with Mr. Hamm and Rafe Spall as men who find themselves in a cabin for unknown reasons .

  12. 摩根大通(JPMorgan)的哈姆•梅杰尔(HarmMeijer)表示,对Quintain而言,这是一件改变游戏规则的大事。老实说,股价只上涨20%有些出乎我的意料。

    This is a game changer for the company and , to be honest , I am a bit surprised the shares are only up 20 per cent , said Harm Meijer at JPMorgan .

  13. 哈姆.普勒格是英国建筑工程公司Costain西非分公司的财务主管。

    Harm Ploeger is the finance director for the West Africa branch of the British engineering and construction firm Costain .

  14. 那些阿克哈姆电影公司的人都来了。

    Those guys from Arkham films are here to pitch us .

  15. 你说托坦哈姆宫廷路有多快?

    How quickly do you say " Tottenham Court Road " .

  16. 走进客厅,我看见丹尼尔、哈姆和埃米莉都在。

    In the sitting-room I found Daniel , Ham and Emily .

  17. 最初在锡利哈姆(威尔士)培育的威尔士猎犬。

    A Welsh terrier first bred in Sealyham ( Wales ) .

  18. 希罗尼穆斯·莫尔金能否忘掉莫尔茜·哈姆比而寻找到真正的幸福?

    Can Heironymus Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe and Find True Happiness ?

  19. 贝基:首先,莎士比亚的话剧&《哈姆菜特》怎么样?

    First or all , Shakespeare - what about Hamlet ?

  20. 他取出一份《伯克哈姆斯特德报》。

    He took out a copy of the Berkhamsted gazette .

  21. 海恩斯,你等着听他议论哈姆莱特吧。

    Wait till you hear him on Hamlet , Haines .

  22. 哈姆扎很被重新逮捕并且目前被关押在喀土穆的监狱。

    Hamza was quickly recaptured and is currently in prison in Khartoum .

  23. 雷达杀手&AGM-88哈姆反辐射导弹

    Radar Killer : AGM - 88 High - speed Anti - Radiation Missile

  24. 哈姆,你必须守在雅茅斯。

    Ham , you must stay here in Yarmouth .

  25. 哈姆太郎-爱之冒险我宁愿你不冒受罚之险。

    I 'd rather you do not run the risk of being punish .

  26. 可怜的哈姆不再是以前的他了。

    Poor Ham will never be the same again .

  27. 哈姆走后,我上楼去看可怜的巴克斯。

    As ham went out , I went upstairs to see poor Barkis .

  28. 那么《哈姆菜特》也就取消了,给我们剩下的就只有《捕鼠器》了。

    Well , that strikes out hamlet , leaving us the moustrap only .

  29. 丹麦军已在切本哈姆扎下营准备过冬,阿尔弗雷德便来到此地。

    These had settled down for the winter at Chippenham : thither Alfred went .

  30. 这时,哈姆来到门口。

    Just then Ham came to the door .