
  1. 周六,C罗(克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多)代表皇马在对阵西班牙人的比赛中,独中五元帮助皇马6-0大胜对手,同时也凭借这五个进球超越劳尔,成为皇马在西甲联赛上的得分王。

    Cristiano Ronaldo overtook Raul as Real Madrid 's leading all-time scorer in La Liga by netting five goals in a 6-0 rout of Espanyol Saturday .

  2. 托特纳姆前锋杰梅因。迪幅在白路巷球场独中五员,以9-1重创对手。

    Tottenham striker Jermain Defoe scored five goals in the9-1 thrashing at White Hart Lane .

  3. 马来西亚华文独中学校体育的现状与未来

    The Status Quo and Future of Physical Education in Malaysia 's Independent Chinese Language School

  4. 所以,独中要发展,财务的运作方式是一个必须优先解决的关键问题。

    Therefore , resolving the key issue of financial operation mode is a top priority in the future development of independent secondary schools .

  5. 独中要能稳定的发展就要有足够的固定收入,而提高学费是最效的方法。

    Maintaining sufficient fixed incomes is essential to the stable development of independent secondary schools and the increase of school fees is the most effective approach .

  6. 在独中两元之后,托雷斯在本赛季的进球达到了九个,超过了杰拉德和恩格格。

    The brace means Torres is now Liverpool 's top scorer for the season with a tally of nine-one ahead of both Steven Gerrard and David Ngog .

  7. 教材改革是马来西亚华文独立中学(简称独中)课程改革的重要部分。

    The reforming of textbook is an important part to the curriculum reform for the Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary Schools ( refer to as the Independent Schools ) .

  8. 英格兰对阵乌拉圭表现相当好,但是超级巨星苏亚雷斯独中两元,导致英格兰最后输了比赛。

    There 's no substitute for true quality England did pretty well against Uruguay , but the one world-class player on the pitch , Luis Suarez , scored two goals .

  9. 扶轮基金会在混乱中创造信心、忌中取得了解、独中结合夥伴、及病痛和无助中带来健康。

    The Rotary Foundation creates confidence where there is disarray , understanding where there is suspicion , fellowship where there is loneliness , and health where there is sickness and despair .

  10. 独中董事会常以成本最小化的心态来分配学校的教育资源,导致成本与效益的失衡。

    The board of directors of independent secondary schools always allocates the educational resources of the school with the mindset of minimizing every cost , resulting in an imbalance between costs and benefits .

  11. 长期以来,独中的教师为了民族教育的使命,甘于领取低薪,但这不是长远之计。

    For a long time , teachers of independent secondary schools have been content with low salary and wages due to the commitment to the national education , but this is not a long-term solution .

  12. 因此深入研究各独中的现状,并提出制订薪制的考量原则及实际薪酬的决定因素。

    Therefore , an in-depth study of the status quo of every individual independent secondary school is indeed in order to put forward the decisive factors for establishing criteria of pay system before deciding on the actual salary and wages .

  13. 研究的主体部分是一个个案,有其特殊的一面,但其所面对的发展困境也有与其他小型独中相似的地方,因此个案学校研究的成果也可以作为其他小型独中的参考。

    The main part of this study is that it is a special case study , but the development dilemma is similar to other small Malaysian Chinese Independent School , therefore , the research achievements can be served as a reference for other small Malaysian Chinese Independent schools .

  14. 独龙江中下游流域的鱼类区系

    Ichthyofauna of Middle and Lower Reach of the Dulong River

  15. 而我们在这独特性中看到的由库茨魏尔和其他人所预言的-他认为的科技正在加速演化。

    And then what we see in the singularity , that prophesized by Kurzweil and others & his idea that technology is accelerating evolution .

  16. 以著不死的信念和无条件的付出,在香港校际朗诵节英文独诵中,我有幸获得了优异的成绩。

    With undying will and unconditionalactions , I have attained Merit in the Solo Verse English Speaking in the Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival .

  17. 但是即使是这样,也不能阻止小花豹,在母豹离去几天的独留中,而不独逛森林,照样带回捕获的猎物。

    But none of this kept Legadema from exploring the forest on her own when her mother left her alone for days at a time to bring back meat .

  18. RFID在自主转向独轨车中的应用系统设计

    The Research on RFID System Designed for Automatic-Turning Single-Orbit Train

  19. 4年前,哈萨克斯坦还作为独联体队伍中的一员参赛。

    Kazakhstan had been a member of the Unified Team four years earlier .

  20. 基于上述结果,可以认为螅状独缩虫中存在类中间纤维。

    Based on these results , it is concluded that intermediate-like filaments exist in Carchesium polypinum .

  21. 除了极少数独守家中,大部分留守儿童有他们的祖父母监护,但是远离父母仍将不可避免地对他们的成长产生诸多消极的影响。

    Few of those left behind are home alone-most are left in the custody of grandparents-but the separation from their parents will inevitably affect their development in less-than-positive ways .

  22. 独在梦中前行已久,经历过数载春夏秋冬,却还是不能消除心中不安的躁动。

    Alone in dreams for a long , long time , I 've walked through many cycles of spring , summer , fall and winter , but still I cannot get rid of the restlessness buried deep in my heart .

  23. 王世贞是明代《史记》学大家之一,独领明中后期文坛二十年,也是复古派后期的领袖。

    Wang Shizhen is one of the important figures in The Historical Records learning . He has dominated the middle and latter periods of the literary circles in Ming Dynasty for two decades , and is also the leader of the Retro Faction during its later period .

  24. 进入21世纪以来,独联体经济一体化中仍然存在非一体化趋势。

    Since the21th century , the CIS'ceonomic integration still has a tendency of non-integration .

  25. 汉字独体字识别中的框架结构效应

    Frame structure effects in single Chinese character recognition

  26. 独栖于穴中/只横着一根骨头/争分夺秒

    Alone in my lair / with one bone to pick / and no time to spare

  27. 暖暖的阳光静静地照着,沉静的心,也独在这静默中飞翔。

    Immersing in the warm sunshine , I can feel my quiet heart flying in the blue sky .

  28. 他将这种宗教观念同世俗生活统一在“独善”观念中,带给在严酷现实中失意的文人一种安慰。

    He incorporated this religious belief and common life into " self-perfection ", and consoled the intellectuals who were frustrated in the harsh reality .

  29. 在乌兹别克斯坦与独联体国家关系中俄罗斯处于首位,而且在乌对外战略中俄罗斯也处于特殊地位。

    Russia is the principle in the relationship between Uzbekistan and Commonwealth of Independent States , and it is also in the special place in foreign strategy of Uzbekistan .

  30. 2005年8月26日举行的独联体喀山峰会是独联体发展进程中的一个转折点。

    The CIS Summit conference held on August 26 , 2005 at Kazan was a turning point in the process of CIS development .